Is Dating Really A Numbers Game?... Or Is There A Better Way?

Is Dating Really A Numbers Game?... Or Is There A Better Way?

There was an article I read in 2021 that shared a story of a woman who met her now husband by dating over 138 people. Yes, you read that right. 138 people!! The first thing that sprung to mind when I read this article was who has that amount of time? This is why I wanted to write this article to share with you how you can meet a compatible partner without wasting your precious time dating 137 people who are wrong for you.

I've personally worked with over 200 clients and I have supported them to go on to meet a partner who is right for them. Some are now engaged and some are married and they managed to do this by dating a small handful of people who felt aligned to them and guess what, they enjoyed dating as a result too as it wasn't this overwhelming experience.

So where do you begin if you are serious about meeting a partner who is right for you and you don't want to live on dating sites or accept every date proposal? I'm going to walk you through this step by step now.

1) How Ready Do You Feel For A Relationship?

The answer to this question will have a significant influence on whether you will enter the right relationship with ease.

See, if you are dating whilst you knowingly know that you aren't ready for a relationship or you know that you aren't over your ex partner or you've been really burnt in the past and you haven't fully healed then this will have a huge influence over who you will date. For example, when people have been hurt and they are still healing then they are more likely to go for partners who aren't 100% right for them, so they know that they won't fully fall in love (which is rarely the case). They will look at people that they previously put into the friend zone, consider dating someone they aren't attracted to or date someone who really isn't their type at all to just prove to themselves that they are putting themselves out there.

The problem is that this is a damaging way to date and it often leaves you questioning whether you will ever find yourself in a happy relationship.

The other end of the spectrum is being too keen for a relationship. Wanting a relationship so badly that you feel unhappy with being single. The problem is that this is not a good place to enter a relationship from either. This shows that you are struggling with the relationship that you have with yourself. When you think about it, you can't enjoy a healthy relationship if you don't have a healthy relationship with yourself to begin with.

So how do you know when you are ready for a loving relationship? It's when you feel happy with yourself, you feel happy with the life you are living and that a relationship would be the icing on the cake.

Create a life that you would be proud to share with someone because you will less likely share that life with someone who isn't right for you or good enough for you.

2) Do You Know What You Want In A Relationship?

I don't know how many times I talk about this on a daily basis because this is so vital when it comes to enjoying a long lasting relationship.

The thing is most people focus on the wrong things when it comes to meeting a compatible partner and this is one of the reasons why I created a compatibility matrix for my clients to go through so they can meet a partner who is right for them.

Compatibility goes beyond meeting someone who is attractive or who has a certain job. It's about how that person looks at life and how they choose to live it. Because you are going to be making decisions as a couple so it's important to know that you are making decisions that makes sense to eachother. The only way you will achieve that is if you are prioritising similar things in life. Otherwise you will be continually compromising in your relationship and feeling resentful and confused by your partner.

If you would like a deeper understanding of compatibility then check out our Meet The One Free Guide that dives deeply in to how to meet a partner who is right for you.

3) Where Can You Meet That Person?

There's no one size fits all approach when it comes to dating. This is why I take my time with my clients to create a personalised dating strategy for them. Some of my clients have met the one in under 21 days through an organic dating strategy, where I've had another client meet the one online within 30 days.

It's important to go back to your compatibility matrix and to look at what type of person you would be compatible with and where that type of person would be.

For example, would you find a highly ambitious and driven person who is a bit of a workaholic on Tinder.... probably not! Would you meet them at personal development seminars and networking events? That's probably more likely. So that would be a better approach for you IF that's someone who is compatible with you. There's a bit more than meets the eye within this approach so if you want to learn more then check out the Meet The One Without Wasting Time On Dating Apps Training


The fastest way to meet the one is by having clarity on who is right for you and being ready for a loving relationship.

If you feeling like you could do with some extra support when meeting the right partner then join us in The Love With Intelligence Academy (Meet The One In Six Months Or Less GUARANTEED) and enjoy a 7 day free trial.

In The Love With Intelligence Academy we support you to heal from childhood, past relationships and anything that's holding you back from enjoying a loving relationship, we build you up to be the best version of you, living the best possible life that you are excited to share, we also go through the compatibility matrix, we create a personalised dating strategy for you and we share with you how to date and how to create a loving relationship with ease!

Ready to join us for a 7 day free trial? Click here


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