Dating - Most People Do It The Wrong Way
Lily Walford
Most People Struggle to Find Real Love – I Help Women Date Smarter & Attract Emotionally Available Partners
Most people do it the wrong way
Meeting the right partner is so important. Your relationship with your partner is the biggest predictor of how happy you will be in life. It has a bigger influence on your happiness than your career, financial status, health or even whether you’re a morning person or a night owl.
The most common way that people meet their partners is through friends, family and work. But these sources aren’t always the best places to look for someone who matches up with your needs and desires — and they can get really expensive if you have to pay for every date!
So how do you go about meeting someone who’s right for you? This article will show you how to meet someone who will make you happy long-term.
1) Who are you?
The first step to finding your happy-ever-after is to figure out who you are. What do you want in a relationship? What qualities do you look for in a person? Do you want children? Do you want to live together or get married straight away? If so, what age do most people get married in your country? How much of an age difference is acceptable between partners? What kind of sex life do you expect from a partner — or don’t expect from them at all?
2) Who are they?
Once you’ve figured out what you want, it’s time to look at the other people around you. What kind of person do they seem to be? Are they looking for something casual or serious? Are they successful in their career or struggling to make ends meet? How do they treat others — especially those who don’t have as much power as them (for example, children)? Does this person have the same values and morals as you? How does he/she feel about your life goals?
3) What went wrong in previous relationships?
The last thing you want to do is repeat the same mistakes over and over again. This means taking a good look at what went wrong in your previous relationships so that you can avoid the same problems with your new partner. If one person cheated on their spouse, for example, it’s probably not a good idea to date someone who cheats too — unless they’re really sorry about it and are working hard to change their behaviour.
4) Where you can meet a compatible partner online and offline?
There’s nothing wrong with online dating — as long as you do it right. There are plenty of great dating sites out there that can help connect you with compatible people who share your interests and values. But remember: You don’t want to limit yourself to just one place. Offline is still a good way to meet people. The most people jump into dating without the clear vision of who they are wanting to meet. So be clear and filter out people who aren't compatible or aligned to your vision and be prepared that you'll be saying no more often than yes. The truth is you are making a big decision about who you are going to trust with your heart, your life and even your loved ones too.
5) How to know if you've met someone who could be the one?
-Would you be proud to introduce this person to your friends and family?
-Do you feel like they would fit in with your lifestyle and values?
-Are they interested in learning more about you and what makes you tick?
-Do you feel like they would be a great fit for your life and family?
-Do you have fun when you're together?
-Are you looking forward to seeing them again?
-Do they make time for important conversations and deep connections?
If you are looking for more support on your journey of finding love, then it could be worth booking a free call with someone on our team.
We provide a free love insights call so you have clarity on the best way for you to meet someone aligned with you.
This call is strictly a no sales call, it's purely a call to give you value as we believe that everyone deserves real love and we'd love to support you to experience that sooner. Click here to book now