Dating Dreams Without Commitment
Satyendra Kumar Singh - Business Mentor/Career Strategist
Mentoring 100+ Startups & Businesses | Career Strategist - Counselled 50000+ students | Academic Advisor @ Educational Institutes | Avid Writer - Published 3 Poetry Titles and still writing...
The career is just like your friend with whom you aim to be with lifetime. This can only be done when you are committed enough. It is not only illogical but unethical as well to date without commitment. It not only hurts financially but also in terms of emotions, time and other resources.
The dating with your dream and passion is just like pursuing a life time goal. Continuity with an honest zeal is the basic ingredient. What is actually prevalent in the society is the discontinuity of the relationship for varied reasons and the same is true for the career path.
Most of the times when we find that the aim that you have been striving for is unable to fetch the good response then it is worth deciding that should you continue with this or not? However, it is the litmus test time also as various ups and downs are part and parcel of any relation or passion.
It is the fact of the matter that most of the relations or career don’t fetch the high results in the earlier phases but your commitment matters though it must have an adequate time frame for the final output and decision.
Short term relations are not suggested and is just for fun or time-pass but your career can’t be taken the same way. It is in fact the long term association and should be respected in the same manner. The positives and the negatives are mostly the external attributes as narrated by the people surrounding you but being your life the decision has be all yours.
This means that there is a bit of difference between the commitment and the inspiration. If you are committed then you find ways to inspire yourself. If don’t find enough inspiration to continue then you are bound to fail in your long term commitment. Fine line difference but it makes a hell lot of difference.
So, the crux of the matter is that one needs to have patience to pursue the dream. Instant decision and execution is the bubble game and is not meant for serious business like career or relation.
Happy dating with your dreams. Happy committed life.