Data Scientist: how "tame" Big Data
Giuseppe Franceschelli
Head of Strategic Relationships and Alliances (SRA) at Maps Spa Ambassador of Genoa in the World (Municipality of Genoa Honorary Appointee)
... and when you grow up, what will you do? How many times, still children, we felt ask this question ... If the trades listed at the end of the last century could be the football player and the dancer, now could reach unexpected answers.
What adult would not be surprised if, placed in a child the usual interrogation, he felt respond: "I want to do the Data Scientist."
And the choice could not be more prudent, enough to ensure a brilliant career: the Data Scientist is in fact one of the professions aimed at further expansion in the near future.
No need for special skills to notice the increasingly digital and Big Data are around us: according to research, 90% of them were created in the last two years and the growth never stops.
This acceleration of the digitalisation process involving all sectors of industry, which have access to huge amounts of data stored as well as have been created. The need then is to classify them, treat them appropriately, analyze them and learn to extract strategic directions, such as to guide and support the choices of economic agents involved, in all sectors and at any level or dimension.
This is when it becomes necessary, the figure of a specific professional, the Data Scientist in fact, a sort of tamer data, hyper and more than ever discounted haruspex able to configure future scenarios "reading" Big Data.
The well-known American economist Hal Varian has called "the sexiest profession in the coming decade," according to the English meaning that the most interesting and attractive ... Certainly the definition of the characteristics of this new manager is still confused.
Sobering in that regard, the analysis of Data Science Central which, on a sample Linkedin, enumerated 105 different ways of defining professions related to "Data Science" or "Analytics": the most used is "Data Scientist", then "Business Analyst", "analyst", "Data Analyst", "Statistician", "business intelligence manager" or "Analytics specialist".
This is because the Data Scientist is a figure that embodies many skills. He knows mathematics, statistics and computer science, also possesses creativity and propensity for communication, or to know how to effectively transmit the results of its reflection on the data collected and analyzed.
And if it is still perfectly focused profile of the Data Scientist, immature also appears that the market should use it. Indeed, if the US and UK have launched training courses for years for this figure, in Italy recently we feel the need to employ specialized personnel in the use of big data to support the determination of corporate strategies.
In the present scenario also demand for this expertise exceeds the availability of sufficiently trained human resources and even the number of companies organized to harness the opportunities of Big Data is subject to a strong expansion in the future.
Therefore, if you ever feel your son or daughter to express the desire to become a Data Scientist, encouraged without delay this their choice.
They could become a heroic Theseus or a certain Ariadne, with intelligence and preparation, they face the vast and intricate labyrinth of big data, finding, after reporting a milder those dreaded "digital creatures",the right direction to help traders to extricate themselves inside the increasing global complexity.