Datalogic donates IT devices to hospitals in the fight against coronavirus
Datalogic has donated bar code scanners and HHTs to Sant'Orsola-Malpighi Hospital in Bologna, several hospitals in Lombardy and hospitals in Northern Italy, to help deal with the coronavirus pandemic. These are being used for admissions and tracking of patients’ electronic medical records. "The use of Datalogic bar code readers facilitates our traceability of medicines, management of blood bags and administration of drugs" - explains Dr. Luca Capitani, IT Director of the Sant'Orsola-Malpighi Hospital. “The donation of readers in this critical phase allows us to improve and optimise the service in the departments dedicated to treating patients with COVID-19. "
The equipment is designed to combat possible bacterial and viral contamination, making it particularly suitable for preventing the advancement of coronavirus. Its casing is made of antimicrobial plastics which repel pathogens, limiting their infectious spread. This greatly reduces the risk of germs remaining on the devices and spreading between healthcare professionals and patients.
"The provision of hi-tech devices for hospitals is a fundamental step in the fight against COVID-19”, comments Valentina Volta, Group CEO of Datalogic. “We are proud to be able to make our antimicrobial devices available, which make hospital activities more efficient and protect the work of all the 'heroes' who fight at the forefront of this tough battle every day, endangering their lives to save ours”.