Datalayer Audits, Custom Metrics, Conditionals in Property Presence?, and more

Datalayer Audits, Custom Metrics, Conditionals in Property Presence, and more

We hope you had a happy New Year and that you've returned fully recharged from the holiday season. As we all continue to look for excuses to avoid putting away the holiday decorations, let's share some exciting news and updates done at Trackingplan!

Product Updates

Datalayer Audit

Now we provide the?datalayer of your events to show you the real picture of what is sent to your providers when your events are triggered.

If you use a tag manager like Google Tag Manager or Tealium, this will help you determine if the error is in the tag manager's transformation or if it originates in your frontends.

You can enjoy this functionality by downloading the payloads in your Trackingplan’s Data Explorer or Trackingplan’s Warning Debug to view them for a specific event or user case, see the cause of your warnings, or explore how it behaves throughout your entire tracking plan.

Custom Metrics

At Trackingplan, we know there are complex scenarios that are important to measure closely (even if all we care about is their traffic rather than the specific properties involved).

That's why you can now create?Custom Metrics to eliminate the noise of property errors that may not be relevant in these situations.

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Conditionals in Property Presence

For those events that occur on many different pages, now you can set your properties as conditional to set some of your property values as required while leaving the rest as nullable. That way, adding a conditional will allow you to differentiate between required or nullable within the very same property, depending on its value.

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More Features, Improvements & Fixes

Tags improvements:?Now tags also allow you to break down event traffic by country, or any other values that you have previously tagged (release version, build number, app version, test name, etc.).

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Pro tip

Did you know that any data tagged in your GTM can be added to Trackingplan's script using tags? Learn how to track GTM’s Container Version and ID as a custom dimension to be able to attribute your warnings to configuration changes, show them as releases, and see them in RCA here.

Inside Trackingplan

The Trackingplan family gathered once before Christmas to say goodbye to an incredible year. We're eager for the adventures, challenges, and triumphs that 2024 holds, and we can't wait to see the incredible things we'll achieve together in the coming year.

Here's to embracing new opportunities, cherishing friendships and making 2024 an extraordinary journey!

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