Sanjeev Kumar
Senior Software Engineer @ Wipro Technologies | IBM Certified, AWS Cloud Practitioner
It is easy to mix-up !!! Here's an insight on what we actually mean when we use words - Data, Information, Knowledge and Intelligence !!!
It’s raw!!!?
Everything is Data!!!!
Everything that is available to you is Data, Whether or not it relates to you OR you are interested in it.
It is still Data!!!
It always remains a Data until and unless you are able to relate and you can make some sense out of it.
Information - Data that relates and makes sense!!!
We often make statements – “He gave me all data but those don’t make any sense in our/my context”. Data that makes sense to you is information for you. But again same data might not be information for others.
You were writing few numbers on the WALL when his parents saw you doing that...
It was just a data for his parents as they were not able to make sense out of it!!!
And for your friend it was an information as they knew what it meant !!!
We often make statements -
“I have knowledge of Data science”,
?“I have Knowledge of Apache Spark”,
“I have Knowledge of Cricket”,
“ I have Knowledge of many things”.
Adequate Information on Something is Knowledge!!!
"He is knowledgeable still he was not able to solve it in the given time".
Ability to acquire knowledge and apply it quickly wherever required is intelligence.!!!
Quick application of knowledge is intelligence!!!
Knowledge means nothing without intelligence!!!
Absence of Knowledge can waste your intelligence!!!
***Disclaimer:?Above explanation is my understanding about data, information, knowledge and intelligence, you might disagree with some or most of my understanding.?