Database in JavaScript
Vamsi Vundela
SDE @Jumbotail | Ex - Web Developement Intern @Belong | Ex - Web Development Intern @IBM | NextJS | Typescript | Tailwind | HTML | CSS | Python | JavaScript | GitHub | SQL | NodeJS | ReactJS
Local Storage
- Local Storage is an API provided by the browser that allows you to create, read, update, and delete records in the browser
- These records are limited to the browser only, meaning data stored in Chrome is unavailable in any other browser and vice versa.
Note: The local storage data is in JSON Format, which means when storing the data, we need to convert the Javascript Object to a JSON format and vice versa
Navigation to Local Storage
To view the local storage, follow the following steps:
?? Open Developer
?? Go to the Applications Tab
?? Select Local Storage
Read a Record
Here's how to read records in the local storage
Create New Record
Here's how to create a new record in the local storage
Update a Record
Here's how to update an existing record in the local storage
Delete a Record
Here's how to delete an existing record in the local storage.
Creating a database in Javascript using Local Storage involves storing and managing data directly in the user's web browser. This technique allows you to save data between sessions without needing a server, making it useful for lightweight applications and offline capabilities.