Database- "A different perspective" (Continue...)
In continuation of my last article, have a look at the visual illustration of the man-made database and imagine the kind of Database & record keeping Allah has promised us!!! May He(SWT) ignore our every wrong doing and forgive us, not holding us accountable for our any wrong doing-Ameen!
I was just going through my mobile phone gallery and noticed the way my phone has organized my gallery, it gave me a visual tour of my past! Where I was, who I was with and what I was doing!
My father(my inspiration) who left us in Sep 2019- My phone with its facial recognition functionality produced an album of him showing his different activities i.e. where he was, when he was sick, what hospital he was admitted in, when he was traveling , with whom he was traveling with, where he was traveling to etc. May Allah(SWT) be pleased with him and may He(SWT) keep us making the memories we can cherish hereafter and may our life movie being played there must be a BLOCKBUSTER and a treat to the eyes.
Ramadan is indeed a great opportunity to reflect on your past & plan your future- Be wise in making the best out of it!!!!