Data Warehouse Modernization - Part 2: Architectures

Data Warehouse Modernization - Part 2: Architectures

Architectural Patterns for Modernizing Data Warehouses

There are different patterns to build an architecture for the modern data warehouse, we need to build this architecture for the modern data warehouse and data lake to work together as complementary components of cohesive data management architecture. We can choose between them or adopt any architecture to fit within our business, when build up the architecture we need to have into our consideration the 10 must-haves of data warehouse modernization discussed in the previous blog, make architectural modernization practical with an incremental approach. First create the vision of your future architecture, then build the plan to get there one step at a time, in the following points we will discuss the four patterns to design the architecture,

Data Warehouse Outside the Data Lake

In this pattern we build two different platforms, one for the modern data warehouse, and the other for the data lake, and between those platforms there should be no overlap, the meaning of the overlap is the data patterns, architecture, quality, and use cases are not the same, but the downstream for each other can be the same based on the required use case we need to implement. The data lake is the landing zone for all incoming data, and warehouse ETL draws data directly from the lake, the data lake’s landing zone serves as warehouse data staging. Sharing a common landing zone for all incoming data reduces redundancy, retains raw data as received, and supports fully traceable data lineage. The following figure illustrate the high-level architecture for this approach.

Data Warehouse Inside the Data Lake

In this pattern the data warehouse is part of the data lake, in this pattern data warehouse is getting its staging data from the raw data zone in the data lake or from another zone where it has been applied some quality checks and transformation on the data, and this zone called refined raw data zone. It may be especially desirable to position a data warehouse as a subset of the data lake when that warehouse is expected to have a long lifespan with a significant number of users who need to work with raw data, refined data, and integrated and historical warehouse data. The following figure illustrate the high-level architecture for this approach.

Data Warehouse in Front of the Data Lake

In this pattern data warehouse lose some of the modernization advantage because the data warehouses remain unchanged, this pattern have the data warehouse as one of the sources for the data lake and the source for the ingestion for the data warehouse is the original sources, this warehouse could be one or more, and the data here is copied one in the data warehouse and the other one in the data lake, we can deal with this pattern as the first step of a multi-phase modernization process. The following figure illustrate the high-level architecture for this approach.

Data Warehouse and Data Lake Inside/Outside Hybrid

The idea for this pattern is having multiple data warehouses, so we can place the data warehouses with heavy analytics usage and overlap with other data lake contents to be part of the data lake, and the other data warehouses with limited user base and that are primarily used for inquiry and reporting remain outside the data lake. The following figure illustrate the high-level architecture for this approach.

Migration Steps

The use for the cloud technologies for the modern data warehouse has become popular and approved its efficiency over and over now because of growing data volumes, higher service-level expectations, and the need to integrate structured warehouse data with unstructured data in a data lake, Cloud data warehousing responds to many legacy data warehouse challenges, offering a response to need for scalability, elasticity, managed infrastructure, cost savings, processing speed, faster deployments, ease of disaster recovery, improved security, governance capabilities, and many more.

There are some steps and pre-requisites need to be there for the movement to the cloud, in the following points we will discuss each step,


This is the built for the warehouse including the tables structures and relationships with other tables, also include the indexing structures.


This step includes the move for the data from the legacy data warehouse to the cloud, and based on the data volume this process is network-intensive, and time-consuming, so we need to have the required resources for the network speed, and engine which responsible to move the data.

ETL Jobs

ETL is the jobs run to update the data warehouse with news records from the transactional database, ETL jobs is a business logic implemented based on the business need, and based on which cloud platform we are migrated to this logic may need to redesign or change for the platform optimization performance.


For governance purpose, we need to manage the data lineage, business terms, data domains for the actual data, this part is crucial part for migration.

Users and Applications

This is the final step for having the modern data warehouse is migrated the users, and the applications to the cloud and take into consideration the security and access authorizations for each user and for each application.

Common Cloud Platforms

There are 4 common cloud platforms for the data warehouse migration, the following is a high level for each platform

Amazon Web Services

There are a number of services in this platform we can use for the data warehouse, like Redshift, and RDS, this platform offers a some of migration strategy like one-step migration which is a good option for databases that don’t require continuous operation such as continuous replication to keep ongoing data changes in sync, two-step migration which is commonly used for databases of any size that require continuous operation, such as the continuous replication, and wave-based migration which is suitable for large-scale data warehouse migration projects. The principle of wave-based migration is taking precautions to divide a complex migration project into multiple logical and systematic waves.

Google Cloud Platform

It offers a service called BigQuery, it starts by running a migration assessment, you can run the BigQuery migration assessment to generate a report to assess the cost to store your data in BigQuery, to see how BigQuery can optimize your existing workload for cost savings, and to prepare a migration plan that outlines the time and effort required to complete your data warehouse migration to BigQuery.

Microsoft Azure

This platform has a SMART tool to assess the data warehouse on the legacy systems before stating the migration, the assessment walks you through a series of questions like current business strategy, partner support system, migration plan, and so on, after that the results page offers tailored recommendations and next steps to improve your score in each category. Also, there’s a milestone feature of the SMART tool allows you to measure your growth and improvement as you take the assessment multiple times.


This platform works with a broad range of solutions partners that can help you plan and execute your move to the cloud, including seamless and successful data migration. For legacy data warehouse migrations, Snowflake partners with multiple technology solutions in order to facilitate the smoothest and most efficient transition possible, depending on your particular data warehouse ecosystem, Snowflake Professional Services can help recommend the best technologies for your migration.

Data Warehouse Modernization Use Cases

Data warehouse is the backbone for any successful business, it helps the companies to run many use cases that help them to take better decisions, where the world is breathing data now, and taking any decision without the evidence of the well-integrated, systematically cleansed, easy-to-access data that includes time-variant history is harmful, the variety of use cases that exist in a data-driven business are many. Data warehouses and data lakes should work together to provide a variety of data to meet all uses cases, in the following subpoints we will discuss most of the popular use cases:

Streaming Analytics

Real time analysis for the data is an essential part for fast and correct decision, data coming in the real time from machines, sensors, or other IoT connected devices, so once this data arrives, it should be analyzed and accumulated immediately, to send alerts when a measurement exceeds a threshold or otherwise indicates need for immediate attention. Individual events are parsed from data stream upon ingestion, Event data is typically collected as raw data in a data lake. The data warehouse may also collect time-variant history from a data stream to support time-series and trend analysis. The following figure illustrate streaming analytics architecture.

Self-Service Analytics

This is the concern for any BI solutions, any organization use BI tools to analyze and present the data has self-service data. In a smart data ecosystem, much of data cataloging and data preparation is automated with AI and machine learning discovering data characteristics, inferring semantics, tagging sensitive data, and making data searchable. This also facilitates collaboration, allowing users to share data knowledge, data preparation operations, and even data analysis. The following figure illustrate Self-Service Analytics architecture.

Hybrid Environment for Analytics

Today world we have a data descripted in different cloud platforms, so instead of saying “in the cloud” we say “in the clouds” as most of us work in a multi-cloud environment of SaaS applications, cloud hosted ERP systems, and cloud data lakes, also some of us still have or use the on-premises solution, so working with data spread across multiple platforms has unique challenges for finding, accessing, and blending data. In a complex multi-cloud/hybrid data ecosystem, data prep together with a data catalog helps users to find and enrich data regardless of deployment platform, and without the need to know where the data is hosted. The following figure illustrate 3.????????? Hybrid Environment for Analytics architecture.

Advanced Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning

Advanced, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) are at the cutting edge of modern data use cases. Algorithm-based data applications ranging from decision automation to robotics and autonomous devices offer great opportunities for digital transformation of business. Data quality is a critical consideration for these kinds of applications and it’s critical for prediction, prescription, automation, AI and ML. Data quality assurance and data cleansing must be included as part of data preparation work. The following figure illustrate Advanced Analytics architecture.



