Autonomy Institute
Mobilizing Private $Capital to Underwrite Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zones - Building a Stronger Nation for All
Data IS THE NEW OIL, Time to start establishing the policy and installing the infrastructure for the 21st century.
Our future depends on the creation of Public-Private Partnerships “Data-Exchanges”. Data Security, Data Privacy, and Data Sovereignty of all the information collected by the public/private IoT systems, networks, and sensors. The Data-Exchange will allow secure, private, and transaction sharing of valuable data assets with trusted and approved partners. Data Exchanges will not only support more efficient operations it will become a new economic platform for the communities they serve.
Intelligent Infrastructure will accelerate the need for data exchanges and lead to new disciplines within cities to establish a collaborative ecosystem of partners. Smart cities will spawn new educational programs like Urbanautics to ensure the proper expertise is developed to support the design, engineering, installation, operation, and management of the intelligent, autonomous, and resilient cities of the future.
Intelligent Infrastructure Enables Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Intelligent Infrastructure allows communities, cities, and industries to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the community level. Data Exchanges, traffic optimization, smart cities, and advanced city services.
Now that fake news is as easy as typing a prompt, there has to be a trust fabric that will be highly dependent on deployed sensors that help validate if an event is truly taking place. Data Trust and Certification will require intelligence at the edge and to be geospatially relevant. The level of trust that each set of data has is going to be critical for policy and regulation. The industry concept of sidecars of metadata attached to all data sets will be vital.
Without a Data Utility Commission, we will continue to see petabytes of data captured with very little oversight.
Data is the New Oil
Intelligent Infrastructure will generate petabytes of new data on a sidewalk. Intelligent Infrastructure (the foundation of ARPA-I) goes well beyond transportation and will be the "Brains of our Economy." Providing advanced city services, resilient and carbon-free economies, closes the technology divide, enabling autonomous systems, and most important; securing data for people, cities, and governments.
It is now time to stop bolting, strapping, and hanging 21st-century devices onto wood poles and deploy Intelligent Infrastructure, the roads of the 21st-century. Intelligent Infrastructure will provide the "Street Smarts” via $100 million Privately funded Regional P3s.
The Edge will be 100x the size of the Cloud. Intelligent Infrastructure will liberate and secure our data for the 21st Century.
Texas Established the? Railroad Commission of Texas ?in 1891 and the? Public Utility Commission of Texas ?in 1975; the nation's first Data Utility Commission is near.
Tom Kemp : Containing Big Tech.?
Roger McNamee : Waking Up.?
Mark P Mills Cloud Revolution.?
Advancing Sovereign Data Exchanges?and the development of a?Data Utility Commission. This would support?the creation of?Public-Private Partnership “Data-Exchanges”?which will allow secure, private, and transaction sharing of valuable data assets with trusted and approved partners and will become a new economic platform for the communities they serve.?Data Privacy, Data Security, Data Trust, and Data Sovereignty are foundational to all these new industries.
Data exchanges will allow the petabytes of data captured by autonomous cars and IoT devices to be leveraged by other community solution providers. It will also allow privacy constraints to be placed on the collected data.
In collaboration with Topio Networks , the Autonomy Institute launched the official?GAIA-X?US Hub for Texas, California, and Washinton in 2022.
Three critical Foundations for an Intelligent City
Intelligent Infrastructure
Active Digital Twin
Intelligent cities, ports, highways, or facilities required an active digital twin. A city-scale digital twin supports the requirements of designing, modeling, and operating an intelligent city. Digital twins are a virtual representation of a city, port, highway, vehicle, or object, constructed only by a digital database. A digital twin could vary in representation from simple localization metadata, to high-fidelity visual and dynamic modeling. This means twins can evolve over time, becoming more and more representative of their real-world counterparts. Real-time updates, state changes, and abnormality alerts are all simplistic use cases for digital twins. For cities, it is critical to keep operations moving smoothly, and having the ability to monitor operations remotely increases worker safety and decision-making - this can save both time and money.
The active Digital Twin has several system types including the GIS Foundational Model; the Physics-Based Model; and the Operational Control Model.
Data Exchange
Data Exchanges will be a foundational part of every smart city. The will provide a collaborative sharing platform that protects privacy, ensures security, and provides effective use of data within both public and private use cases. These data exchanges will also support the sovereignty of data within communities, cities, states, and private industry.
Research and White Papers on Data Exchanges
Deloitte - Smart City Report 2015
Industry Technical Solutions and Consultants
It's also a real solution as opposed to just saying "everything can be done with blockchain smart contracts" which is a false promise
-- Monetization is handled by the Exchange, including how data feeds are conditionally priced
-- An organization only needs their 'firehose' connection into the Exchange, which handles data going in both directions - again, this eliminates the need for hundreds or thousands of individual data sharing agreements
-- The Exchange is datatype-agnostic, all of the heavy lifting is done in the command-and-control layer, enabled by a rich metadata construct as with digital telephony and other large-scale logistical systems
IOTA - Securing Data
Inrupt - Data Sharing Platform built on SOLID.
Industry Standards being Developed
W3C Web of Things - Solution for IoT Interoperability
G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance which has a Global Policy Roadmap.
SOLID - Tim Berners-Lee Data Privacy Framework
The Array of Things and SAGE Platform. NSF funded project led by
MobilityDB - Geospatial trajectory Data Management
Autonomy Institute
Building the Infrastructure for the next 100 years.
The Autonomy Institute is a government, industry, academia, and public alliance focused on accelerating the "Path to Commerce" for Intelligent Infrastructure and autonomous systems. Over 250 organizations are engaged and supporting the policies, markets, jobs, and community benefits of autonomy to foster social and economic transformation.
Intelligent and Autonomous Infrastructure is the equivalent of the Eisenhower Interstate Highways. The Autonomy Institute collaborates with large infrastructure investors on the creation of $100+ million Public-Private Partnership programs. The intelligent infrastructure enables?the rapid and expansive deployment of rural broadband, NextG, edge computing, intelligent transportation systems, APNT, and smart grid devices. This infrastructure has substantial benefits to cities by?eliminating the digital divide and preparing communities?for Industry 4.0 solutions. The national deployment of this infrastructure will create millions of new jobs and generate billions in economic growth.
The Autonomy Institute has developed an "Autonomy Commerce Act" and an "All-Up" Autonomy program within the United States.
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