Data Strategy: The Road Ahead
Philip James
Partner at Eversheds Sutherland, Global Data Privacy & Cybersecurity, AI Task Force
This week the UK government's first National Data Strategy Forum kicked off - see further details here. Of particular note is the advances that can be made in healthcare (propelled by the pandemic need), namely, how Government will, in its Strategy for Health and Social Care:
Secondly, following its?review of online targeting, the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI) began a project?with the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT)?to empower users to make ‘active’ online choices. The CDEI and BIT have been testing whether different interfaces and choice bundles improve the ability of users to make informed choices about their privacy and personalisation settings.
Thirdly, how Open Banking, a leading Smart Data initiative, is helping consumers and SMEs better manage their expenses, reduce administration and save money. In particular, Imran Gulamhuseinwala OBE, Implementation Trustee for Open Banking Ltd,?has shared his insight into Open Banking?and specifically commenting:
"Of particular importance in the short term is the CMA consultation, published on 5 March, on the future governance arrangements for the Open Banking Implementation Entity. Serious thought needs to be given to issues of funding, governance, and the integration of open finance and Smart Data into future plans, as advocated for in Ron Kalifa’s recent Strategic Review of UK FinTech."
Imran has specifically made a call to arms following BEIS' publication of its?Spring Smart Data Working Group Report?which updates on the potential benefits and case studies of Smart Data, sets out proposals for cross sector coordination for Smart Data schemes, and lays out a roadmap for Smart Data going forward.?Key take-aways from the Report include:
Data standards – in particular,
? coordination of API standards and data formats related to core data fields
? Accreditation – where there is a strong rationale for tackling unnecessary burdens and duplicative requirements for TPPs seeking to operate across markets (whilst recognising additional requirements would be necessary to operate in particular sectors, such as requiring FCA authorisation to operate within financial sectors)
? Directory services – where a coordinated list of accredited TPPs could create efficiencies, and
? Authentication – which enables consumers or businesses to prove to data holders they are who they say they are. In particular, the opportunity to adopt common authentication requirements across sectors
And, if that wasn't enough to whet your data appetite: the CDEI has also just published its two-year review: see here for further details. In it, the CDEI has set out three key limbs result from its strategic review:
So, nothing to see here, right? Move along. Watch this space closely. Remember, data moves as the speed of light. If you blink, it might pass you by.
Philip James
Partner, Global Privacy, Data & Cybersecurity, Eversheds Sutherland