A little background: I am an Apple Certified Support Professional who has been using a Mac since the mid- to late 1980s. I have seen a few things happen, and one is that Data Storage and usage have increased significantly. Internet speed and the size of files have been moving at a fast pace. 5G & Fibre has helped us move the files quickly but at a price in South Africa. Being well travelled have noticed we think we are and are told we are moving forward but at a snail's pace due to ignorance and the corporate giants as well as corruption of the past 30 years.
Having my own business and watching the file size increase with the digital and AI advancements. It is that between the 2 of us, we can use 1.5TB of data and about 4-5TB between the 4 of us.
Now taking into consideration this is streaming, DSTV, Apple TV 4 smartphones and 4 computers that use this amount of data & business emails.
We are told that unlimited data but there is something called Fair usage, so when you reach a limit that they set as fair usage, you get throttled. So speed can become half. It's a known fact that business internet is expensive depending on the Package (100Mbps Symmetrical wireless internet - R5699pm) cheap it is not.
NOW what do I use? Well this NOKIA 5G router is amazingly fast and easy to set up, working in conjunction with DECO 1900 and the CAT 8 cable improves, strength, speed, and coverage of the entire area. YES MTN is the cheapest, fastest and has more coverage than any other mobile network. Price R1069 FOR 1TB. Fibre is not available in this area and have had not-so-good reviews on VUMATEL which seems to be offline more of the time. Wireless mobile, regardless of load-shedding or working on the line works.