Data Security & Large Language Models - How do you keep your data safe?
Data Security Strategy When Working with Large Language Models (LLMs)
Even for those most skeptical of it, the dangerous approach to generative artificial intelligence & large language models (LLMs) is to simply ignore it, hope it goes away and let it fall by the wayside. However, a better approach is to experiment with it on low risk levels and work your way up.
Here are five key data security strategies when approaching any potential automation/implementation that involves the use of large language models.
5 Ways To Keep Data Safe
The goal is to ensure your data is safe. Deciding to forgo disruptive technology will set you back, regardless of the size of your organization. Mid-sized firms are competing with larger enterprise companies due to the impact of artificial intelligence to conduct processes faster and more accurately, thus maximizing their human talent.
For example, LLMs have significantly enhanced the speed & accuracy by which intelligent document processing technology can extract data from referrals, prescriptions, lab reports, loan packages, invoices and virtually any other semi-structured/unstructured document. This was never-before-seen as unstructured data was written off in the past as something that simply needed human eyes to retrieve value from.
This is simply one small example where generative AI is cementing its footprint... with a lot more to come.