Data Security Demystified: The Real Facts Behind ITAD & Data Destruction. 5 Myths Busted

Data Security Demystified: The Real Facts Behind ITAD & Data Destruction. 5 Myths Busted

TLDR: This article addresses common myths related to data security and IT asset disposition (ITAD) and emphasizes the importance of using certified data destruction companies to protect against data breaches. It also highlights the relevance of various regulations in different industries and explains how a customized ITAD program can be cost-effective.

The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards." - Gene Spafford, Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University
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Data security is a vital concern for every organization, regardless of size or industry. However, there are various myths surrounding IT asset disposition (ITAD) and data destruction that can jeopardize an organization's security. Let's explore and update some of these myths from 2013 and provide more relevant information for today's businesses.

Myth #1: Handling Data Destruction In-House is More Secure and Cost-Effective.

Truth: While in-house data destruction may seem like a cost-effective approach, there's always potential for human error. In-house data destruction is not always done with the required expertise or diligence, leaving the organization vulnerable to data breaches. A vetted and certified data disposition company, like Synetic Technologies , that executes standards with quality controls, processes, and financial instruments provides additional protection when destroying data. The cost of an internal failure could be much higher than outsourcing data destruction to certified professionals.

Myth #2: DoD Wipe or Destroy from an ITAD company is Enough to Protect Your Private Data.

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Truth: While the DoD wipe or destroy is a commonly used method for data destruction, it's not enough to guarantee data protection. Organizations must verify that the ITAD company they contract with follows best practices and is certified by organizations like NAID, guided by NIST 800-88, and R2/RIOS. Moreover, companies must ensure that the ITAD company provides professional liability coverage, electronic media, network security, and privacy for wrongful acts.

Myth #3: There's Nothing Special or Private About Our Data, So We Can Hand Over Our IT Assets to Any Local Firm.

Truth: Every data is important, and every organization must protect its data, even if it seems like there isn't anything private or identifying about it. With regulations in healthcare, finance, technology, etc., all data is relevant. HIPAA, HITECH, Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI, PII, GLBA, FACTA, FISMA, and FDA (21 CFR Part 11) are changing how data must be handled. It's essential to entrust IT assets and e-waste recycling to certified IT disposition firms that have data destruction expertise and understand these regulations and associated risks.

Myth #4: We Don't Have the Budget for Certified Data Destruction or an IT Asset Disposition Program.

Truth: Many companies believe that they cannot afford a certified data destruction or ITAD program, but the truth is that they can. The right ITAD firm can provide a customized analysis to help corporations implement the right program to protect themselves, customers, and employees against a data breach as well as the environment from toxic materials. Moreover, organizations can leverage their viable decommissioned assets to offset the cost of the program.

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Myth #5: An EPA ID Number is Enough to Meet Our IT Disposition and Data Destruction Needs.

Truth: An EPA ID number alone is not enough to ensure that a company has systems in place for environmental, health, and safety protection. Organizations must verify that the ITAD company has certifications from third-party accreditation firms like R2/RIOS, ISO? 14001:2004, and/or OSHAS 18001 audits systems to ensure compliance with EHS&Q management systems.

In conclusion, protecting your data is crucial, and ITAD and data security are critical components of any organization's security measures. It's essential to dispel myths and seek the help of certified professionals to mitigate data breach risks.


  1. Synetic Technologies
  2. National Association for Information Destruction (NAID)
  3. International Secure Information Governance & Management Assoc (i-SIGMA)
  4. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  5. Responsible Recycling (R2)
  6. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

#DataSecurity #ITAssetDisposition #CertifiedDataDestruction #NAID #NIST #R2 #OSHA #HIPAA #HITECH #SarbanesOxley #PCI #PII #GLBA #FACTA #FISMA #FDA #DataBreach #Ewaste #CostEffective #Regulations #EnvironmentalProtection #HealthAndSafety #Compliance #ThirdPartyAccreditation #CustomizedPrograms.


