Data Science Universe- Programming, frameworks, libraries, apis and burgers. What in common?

Data Science Universe- Programming, frameworks, libraries, apis and burgers. What in common?

Starting by the end bet on java, javascript, python as programming languages and their related frameworks to have a winning above average job landing in the IT world nowadays and for that you may cross check with data scientist jobs that also require ruby, web developer jobs that require html, php, css. Be carefull business analysts, nowadays jobs in this area require sometimes scripting skills and programming languages awareness and you should have in memory those languages mentioned above. Go for the basics to have a safety labor margin and for sure better Mondays and Fridays this century.

This article intends to integrate and give to the reader a practical time saving for different purposes satisfaction with quick links on the universe of data science evolving (PL′s) programming languages, (FK′s) frameworks, (SL′s) software libraries. Also i recommend after a vast research linkedin elearning to immerse with no course restrictions in PL`s, FK′s because of the value of teaching with certificates, price of the monthly subscription comparing to other proponents. You can make your own learning path in a far more vast extent and cheaper than many online courses suppliers and even MIT, Oxford or Standford 8 week online postgraduations proposals. In the end you want low price and certified skills right?


In first place what is a PL-programming language and high/low PL′S?

 A programming language is a set of commands, instructions, and other syntax use to create a software program. Languages that programmers use to write code are called "high-level languages." This code can be compiled into a "low-level language," which is recognized directly by the computer hardware.

High-level languages are designed to be easy to read and understand. This allows programmers to write source code in a natural fashion, using logical words and symbols. For example, reserved words like function, while, if, and else are used in most major programming languages. Symbols like <, >, ==, and != are common operators. Many high-level languages are similar enough that programmers can easily understand source code written in multiple languages.

Examples of high-level languages include C++JavaPerl, and PHP. Languages like C++ and Java are called "compiled languages" since the source code must first be compiled in order to run. Languages like Perl and PHP are called "interpreted languages" since the source code can be run through an interpreter without being compiled. Generally, compiled languages are used to create software applications, while interpreted languages are used for running scripts, such as those used to generate content for dynamic websites.

Low-level languages include assembly and machine languages. An assembly language contains a list of basic instructions and is much more difficult to read than a high-level language. In rare cases, a programmer may decide to code a basic program in an assembly language to ensure it operates as efficiently as possible. An assembler can be used to translate the assembly code into machine code. The machine code, or machine language, contains a series of binary codes that are understood directly by a computer's CPU. Needless to say, machine language is not designed to be human readable.

Which PL′s-Programming languages to invest now as a student on a career, upgrade your professional curriculum or migrate for a new challenge?

The most PL′s mentioned in job vacancies in linked in are java, python and ruby. Trough the internet many stats are produced and for many pages consulted java and python domain and on the top 5 only the last tree vary with c++, c# and javascript.

For the financial system you can have an update here- Most requested programming languages by financial corporations

Ps: Cobol is still a very required programming language for many reasons by banking and you can bet in having upper salaries too as a programmer too. Check different about cobol and banking system nowadays: view1, view2, view3

FK′S- Frameworks

In general, a framework is a real or conceptual structure intended to serve as a support or guide for the building of something that expands the structure into something useful. In computer systems, a framework is often a layered structure indicating what kind of programs can or should be built and how they would interrelate. Some computer system frameworks also include actual programs, specify programming interfaces, or offer programming tools for using the frameworks. A framework may be for a set of functions within a system and how they interrelate; the layers of an operating system; the layers of an application subsystem; how communication should be standardized at some level of a network; and so forth. A framework is generally more comprehensive than a protocol and more prescriptive than a structure.


Imagine a burger, hope you′re not hungry, frameworks are the bread of it and all the ingredients and sauces you may put in it are the following development tols for fk′s:

  • Libraries: shareable, reusable bits of low-level code in each language, e.g., Ruby on Rails’ “gems”
  • APIs, which facilitate access to the database back end
  • Scaffolding: a technique some MVC frameworks employ that strengthens how a database can be accessed. This means more powerful sites, with better leverage of the database.
  • AJAX: Some JavaScript frameworks are embedded into larger frameworks, incorporating the rapid technology of AJAX into a site’s functionality.
  • Caching, which cuts back on server workload
  • Security, via authentication and authorization frameworks
  • Compilers, or Just-in-Time compilers

You may have the following frameworks (fk′s): remember "fk′s are the bread basis of a burger or a sandwich".

- java frameworks

- front and back end web development frameworks

SL′S- Software Libraries

A software library is a suite of data and programming code that is used to develop software programs and applications. It is designed to assist both the programmer and the programming language compiler in building and executing software. A software library generally consists of pre-written code, classes, procedures, scripts, configuration data and more. Typically, a developer might manually add a software library to a program to achieve more functionality or to automate a process without writing code for it. For example, when developing a mathematical program or application, a developer may add a mathematics software library to the program to eliminate the need for writing complex functions. All of the available functions within a software library can just be called/used within the program body without defining them explicitly. Similarly, a compiler might automatically add a related software library to a program on run time

"Big bomb for some". Javascrip has nothing to do with java. What? What is JavaScript (JS)?

It has nothing to do with Java. JavaScript is a scripting programming language created by Netscape at the end of the 90s, which, after defeating some obstacles, became a modern web development standard. Nowadays, almost every single website uses HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript.

But what is it about JavaScript, a language written in 10 days by one person, that makes it so massively popular…? In the Stack Overflow Developer Survey, JavaScript has been voted the most commonly used programming language for the seventh year in a row. According to W3Techs, it is used in the development of 95.1% of all active websites, and a good knowledge of it is considered a sure-fire way to get a highly-paid job in a relatively short time.

Javascript frameworks list:

  • AngularJS: a robust JavaScript fra-mework
  • jQuery: a library of JavaScript on which other .JS frameworks are built. jQuery Mobile is its mobile app alternative.
  • EmberJS: a more “opinionated” framework than Angular
  • Node.JS: a back-end JavaScript development platform and runtime for building server software and applications.
  • Backbone.js: an MV-style framework that’s compatible with Ruby on Rails
  • MeteorJSa combination of Angular and Node.js for mobile applications
  • ExpressJS: a back-end JavaScript framework that runs on the Node.js platform
  • Koa.js: a newer, middleware JavaScript framework that’s an evolution on ExpressJS
  • ReactJS: a user interface (UI) framework, and its mobile version, React Native

Major linkedin jobs are requiring ReactJS, AngularJS, NodeJS and even google confirms the boost of ReactJS and AngularJS and the falling of JQuery. You can have the stats here from 2009-2018. What are the most popular JS frameworks in 2019?

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What is the difference between a software library and a framework?

The key difference between a library and a framework is "Inversion of Control". When you call a method from a library, you are in control. But with a framework, the control is inverted: the framework calls you. A library is just a collection of class definitions.

A framework is the skeleton of an application. It provides both particular, ready-to-use elements, like libraries and scripts, and a general pattern of how one should use them.

A library is a set of functions that an application can call to perform a particular task.

Let's make the burger/sandwich?

It depends on imagination of each developer/programmer. With the same bread and ingredients you can slice the ingredients and organize them in different layers and sauce combinations to make your burger/sandwich. The slicieng and organization is the coding you use with your fingers. The same applies to developers/programmers respecting for sure client demands/restrictions/it structure.


Different goals, different needs. My goal in this article is to bring focus for what makes your career update or move with no surprises and demand guaranteed for the next decade, has performance, it′s cheap or open source. In the next 10 years javascript, java and python will domain for sure with boost of their most efficient frameworks.

I leave you with a link for a to z programming terms:

A to z programming terms


Ricardo Jorge Medeiros Fonseca Phd.的更多文章

