Data Science Projects for E-commerce Business
Data science has become the must term for every business company, like E-commerce. According to the latest report that we got in the best newspaper. India is the fast updating online retail place in every economy point. With a good growth rate of 50 %, e-commerce websites have become more and more competitive. The companies have more competition e-commerce is using technology like analytics and data science online course guides you to master all the projects of e-commerce.
Now we will discuss the Data science projects that used in Data science.
Warranty Analytics
Warranty is just like a commitment that a manufacturer offers when we buy anything online. If some kind of issue arises in the purchased product within the warranty time. It is changed and replaced by a new product without charging a single amount. With a data science course, you can learn more warranty analytics.
Price Optimisation
Price is being termed as one of the complex aspects of every business. It requires more attention to optimize many different avenues that include the cost of analysis, market segmentation, competitor analysis and many more. Big data analysis has initiated to bring optimist the price questions and answers.
Market Analysis
This is known as a modeling technique that defines if a user buys something, she or he is likely to buy another material. E-commerce websites looking towards encouraging the existing customers to guide them. What they are looking for just like searches, credit card bills, buys and many more.
Recommending system
This tool is the best and great guide for online retailers. By predicting user behavior. We have a very small amount of popular recommendation techniques like collaborative filtering. The content depended on filtering and the high-end filtering of the two filtering ways.
Improve user service
Everyone should know that a user is the main point to any business and it is most important for every e-commerce business. The updated user service used to personalize the service for the users who face many difficulties and need common recommendation service. It is about to satisfy the users with what they actually require.
Cart analysis
This technique model shows if a user buys something, that he or she is likely to buy another type of thing at the same time. E-commerce websites every time they are looking to encourage the existing user by guiding them to buy. What they are searching for and guide them to the information of the previous searches, buys, and credits cards.
Spam or fraud Detection
Today for everything, we need security for everything. Any kind of platform that is online retail marketing or social media marketing, we need security. Fraud is one of the most challenging tasks to deal with. In an e-commerce Company, as it results in big financial losses. There can be in fraud in the sections of merchant identity and advanced fee, chargeback fraud and many more.
Store Management
For every company, there will be a warehouse or store management. So when a user asks for a product and if that product is not available in store. They have to update it before itself, so that the client may not disappoint when he buys the product.
With the rapid increase in the globalization, the handling of the supply chain is a complex task in the present market. Utilize the Inventory by data analytics that has become the best part for an online business to terminate the spam products from the inventory.
User Prediction
In retail, the user lifetime value can be described by predicting the basics that refer to the total profit that the user is very likely to bring company. The user lifetime value prediction guides a company in so many ways. That is like optimizing the business techniques by coming to acquisition and raising costs for user purchase. This guides in deciding the growth and total profit and future sales.
Sentiment Analysis
This tool has used by every e-commerce website in these days. The best and easiest way to utilize this tool is by getting the feedback of the customers.
Churning Model
This sample is defined as the important projects that each e-commerce company have to implement. In this model, it guides in taking up the users have the most probability to switch to other e-commerce websites, by guiding the business to keep a track of the results.