Data Recovery with Git

Data Recovery with Git

So I just did my first data recovery with Git. Git really is an amazing tool. It thinks of all the possible events that may happen, including a glitch in its own process.

Why is there data recovery? Because sometimes you may lose a commit. Stuff happens! Remember. Nothing is perfect.

I had made a lot of changes. I was trying to ignore my node_modules, and it wasn't going so smoothly with the .gitignore file. I deleted the modules and re-installed a couple of times to get the .gitignore to ignore them. And somewhere down the line, I lost the precious work I had been laboring over for the past couple of days. So what was I to do?

First I tried a couple of git reverts. I only had a couple of commits to begin with. The files were nowhere to be seen. The I tried to find a command that would take me back to the original state of the repository when I git init. I didn't come up with anything more than I already knew.

Then I came across GIT - MAINTENANCE and DATA RECOVERY. Don't think that just because you may be fairly new to git (or even a seasoned pro), that stuff like this just doesn't happen. It does. Computers crash and perhaps through no fault of your own. Git is not impervious to strange happenings either. That's where DATA RECOVERY comes in.

The first thing to do is NOT TO PANIC.

The second thing to do is NOT TO ACT IMPULSIVELY. Think through all your options. Read the documentation you come up with very carefully. One wrong move could result in permanent loss of your data.

After much research and revisiting GIT - MAINTENANCE and DATA RECOVERY several times, I decided to give it a shot.

The first thing I had to do was to determine when was the last point in time that I had all the files I wanted to recover in my repository. I remembered that it was when I made my first commit. The following are the steps I took to find out which commit that was:

  1. git log -g: purportedly this command lets you see the same information as with git reflog, but it didn't specify as clearly, at least to me, which of my commits was the initial one.
  2. git reflog: also listed all my commits, but let me know specifically which commit was my first commit indicated by (initial).
  3. Following the Git Book Documentation in GIT - MAINTENANCE and DATA RECOVERY, I created a new branch called recover-branch and added the commit hash at the end of the command like so: git branch recover-branch <commit hash>.
  4. Then I checked out to that branch: git checkout recover-branch.
  5. Low and behold, ALL my files were there! I double checked the content of the files, and then checked its appearance/status in the browser and the JS console. Everything looked as it should. All my data had been recovered.
  6. This next move was crucial and would be crucial for you too. I made a copy of the repository's recover-branch and dragged it to the desktop. This was a copy of the new recover-branch with all the recovered master branch files, and the last (and first) good commit. I wanted to make doubly sure that no matter what happened in my next commit, I had a backup of my work.
  7.  I did a git status to see if there was anything that I had to commit before switching back to master branch. There was, and so I committed everything with the commands git add -A (adding everything at once to the staging area), and then git commit followed by a commit message in Vim.
  8. Then I switched back to master with the command git checkout master. Then I decided to merge the two branches so I could bring back all the recovered files into master from recover-branch. Guess what? There were a lot of conflicts. Files that had been deleted in commits in the master branch were of course still present in recover-branch. I aborted the merge with the command git merge --abort. Then I went back to my recover-branch copy on my desktop and compared my data there with the data in master. I copied anything missing in master from recover-branch, and even went through all the code to make sure that it matched. When I was satisfied that the two folders contained the same files, I committed them and pushed them to origin master.
  9. I went back into my master folder and checked all my data again. There were still a couple of files missing, and I went back into the recover-branch copy, retrieved them, and copied them into master. I pushed those subfolders and files to origin master. Then I was done.

I could have made life difficult for myself and gone a more complicated route to achieve the same result, but this was quicker and safer.

Related Articles:

GIT - MAINTENANCE and DATA RECOVERY, from The Git Book, 2nd Edition

This article was first published on my Developer Notebook Blog


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