Data Protection & Security Specialist
Arunagiri Gopal
Senior Manager – Database Management | Data Analytics Expert | AI & Azure Architect | Azure Cost Optimization Specialist | Digital Transformation Strategist | IoT Architect | Automation Consultant | Blogger
MySQL 8.x data protection improves data integrity, security, compliance, and provides reliable backup and recovery options. These benefits contribute to a healthy and strong data management system.
HADR solutions in MySQL offer continuous availability, data protection, improved reliability, disaster recovery capabilities, scalability, and simplified management. These advantages collectively contribute to a robust and resilient infrastructure that ensures business continuity and protects against potential data loss or system failures. It involves implementing replication, failover, and backup strategies to minimize downtime, maintain data integrity, and enable quick recovery in the event of system failures or disasters.
Implementing the database-level data protection measures, can enhance the security of MySQL database and protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats.
Audit the Credential guessing attack in the server that MySQL Connection Controls helps to analysis failed login attempts. The occurrence of credential guessing attacks on the server, it is crucial to perform an audit.
i.??????????????????? Use strong passwords
ii.????????????????? Limit failed login attempts
iii.??????????????? Enable network access control (trusted IP / Networks)
iv.??????????????? Use Secure connections
v.????????????????? Rename Administrative account
vi.??????????????? Limit privileges;
vii.????????????? Regularly update MySQL.
viii.??????????? Use a firewall.
Administrators can choose the most suitable authentication methods and security measures based on their specific use case and environment.
Important to follow proper security protocols, document the change, and communicate the new password securely to authorized users to maintain access to the system while preventing unauthorized access.
To change data capture in MySQL for data production, enable the binary log, configure replication (optional), and monitor the binary log using tools like mysqlbinlog or third-party CDC solutions like Debezium.
Debezium is an open-source distributed platform for change data capture (CDC).
Password policies and component installation are important considerations for maintaining strong security practices in an organization's infrastructure.
??????? i.??????????? Resetting the password in a production server:
Regularly resetting passwords is a recommended security practice in many industries and compliance standards. There are suspicions of unauthorized access, resetting the password immediately helps block the unauthorized user's access to the server.
????? ii.??????????? Removing orphaned/unused users in the server:
Removing orphaned or unused users is a good practice for security and resource management. Identify users who are no longer needed or associated with valid accounts or applications and safely remove these users according to organization's policies and procedures.
??? iii.??????????? Password policies and component installation:
Password policies help enforce strong and secure passwords, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
It is important to grant the least amount of privileges necessary for users to perform their intended tasks, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or accidental data modifications.
To provide different levels of privileges for data production in MySQL, we can use different types of logins with varying access levels. Here are some common types of logins and their corresponding privileges:
?MySQL 8.x: privilege as follows:
??????????????????? i.??????????? SELECT:? Retrieve (read) data from tables within a database.
????????????????? ii.??????????? INSERT:? Insert new records into tables.
??????????????? iii.??????????? UPDATE: Modify existing records in tables.
??????????????? iv.??????????? DELETE:? Delete remove records from tables.
????????????????? v.??????????? CREATE: Create new databases, tables, views, and other objects.
??????????????? vi.??????????? ALTER:? Modify the structure (e.g., columns, indexes) of existing tables.
????????????? vii.??????????? DROP:? Drop databases or tables.
??????????? viii.??????????? GRANT OPTION: Grant or revoke privileges for other users.
??????????????? ix.??????????? ALL PRIVILEGES: Grants all available privileges on a specific database or table.
????????????????? x.??????????? EXECUTE:? Execute stored procedures or functions.
??????????????? xi.??????????? SHOW DATABASES:? Display list of databases on the server.
????????????? xii.??????????? SHOW VIEW: Display definitions of views.
The following privileges can be granted at various levels:
??????????? xiii.??????????? Global Level: Granted at the global level apply to the entire MySQL server.
??????????? xiv.??????????? Database Level: Granted at the database level apply to a specific database.
????????????? xv.??????????? Table Level: Granted at the table level apply to specific tables within a database.
1.????? Full Administrative Login:
This type of login typically corresponds to the root user in MySQL, which has all privileges and administrative control over the entire MySQL server. With a full administrative login, have the highest level of access and can perform tasks such as
i.??????????????????? creating/dropping databases
ii.????????????????? creating users
iii.??????????????? granting/revoking privileges
iv.??????????????? modifying server settings.
2.????? Database Administrator Login:
A database administrator login is created specifically for managing a particular database or group of databases. ?Granting administrative privileges on specific databases allows users to handle data production tasks within their assigned database scope.
This login typically has privileges such as
i.??????????????????? creating/dropping tables
ii.????????????????? managing indexes
iii.??????????????? executing SQL queries
iv.??????????????? managing user accounts within the designated databases.
3.????? Data Production Login:
A data production login is created for users who need to perform data production tasks but do not require administrative control, and can grant privileges on specific tables or use wildcard characters to grant access to multiple tables within a database.
This login typically has privileges to insert, update, and delete data within specific tables or databases.
i.??????????? Read-Only Login:
A read-only login is used when you want to provide users with read access to the data but restrict them from making any modifications.
This login typically has privileges to select data from tables or databases, allowing users to view and retrieve information without the ability to modify or delete data.
ii.??????????? Developer Login:
A developer login is typically used by software developers or application programmers who need to access the database for development purposes.
This login usually has privileges to create, modify, and delete database objects such as tables, views, stored procedures, and functions. Developers may also be granted privileges to insert, update, and delete data during the development and testing phases.
iii.??????????? Reporting Login:
A reporting login is created for users or applications that specifically require access to retrieve data for reporting and analysis purposes.
This login typically has read-only privileged to select data from relevant tables or views, allowing users to generate reports and analyze the data without modifying it.
iv.??????????? Backup Login:
A backup login is used for performing database backups and restores.
This login typically has privileges to execute backup and restore commands, access necessary system tables, and write backup files to specified locations.
Granting limited privileges for backup purposes helps ensure data protection and allows specialized backup software to perform necessary operations.
v.??????????? External Application Login:
An external application login is created for applications that need to access the MySQL database programmatically. This login can have specific privileges tailored to the requirements of the application, such as executing specific stored procedures or accessing specific tables. The privileges granted to this login should be limited to what the application requires, ensuring proper data access and security.
To encrypt the database, table, and columns in MySQL, can utilize various encryption techniques and features available within the MySQL database management system.
vi.??????????? Column-Level Encryption:
Encrypt specific columns that contain sensitive data, providing granular control over which data is encrypted. MySQL provides encryption functions like AES_ENCRYPT and AES_DECRYPT that can be used within SQL statements to encrypt and decrypt data.
Modify the table schema to store sensitive data in encrypted columns and handle encryption and decryption within application logic.
vii.??????????? Auditing:
Auditing data production in MySQL involves tracking and monitoring activities related to data creation, modification, and access within the database. It helps ensure data integrity, security, and compliance.
Here are some considerations for auditing data production in MySQL:
??????? i.??????????? Enable MySQL Audit Plugin: The audit plugin generates an audit trail that captures important information such as SQL statements, connection details, and user activity.
????? ii.??????????? Define Audit Policies: Audit policies typically include tracking data modifications, login attempts, failed access attempts, schema changes, and other critical activities.
??? iii.??????????? Audit Log Configuration: The audit log should be stored securely and protected against unauthorized access or tampering.
??? iv.??????????? Review and Analyze Audit Logs: Regularly review and analyze the audit logs to identify any suspicious or unauthorized activities.
????? v.??????????? User Access and Privilege Management: Maintain strict control over user accounts, access privileges, and roles within the MySQL database.
The maximum database size in MySQL 8.x Community Edition, should consider the limitations of file system, the storage device, and the available disk space.
Select the best server for better performance of an application, like Sufficient storage in the server ie. 50% of free space in the database folder and server storage, gives excellent performance of Read / Write / Data Transfer in the server.
Database size itself and may not include additional factors like the number of tables, indexes, or other objects within the database. It's important to monitor disk space usage and plan accordingly, considering both current and future storage needs.
Load Testing: Load testing involves simulating multiple concurrent users or high levels of traffic to assess how a server performs under heavy loads. Tools like Apache JMeter
Instead, it's generally recommended to utilize the built-in monitoring and diagnostics capabilities provided by Azure, such as Azure Monitor and Azure Application Insights.