data perspectives and personal philosophies that create dilemma’s
Any discussion about personal information and data leads to the voicing of many options about what it means to the individual, the community and citizens.
Inevitably there is a heated exchange as one of the parties believes in the purity of their model to create a utopia and panacea for everyone. Indeed we select the language and works to confirm our beliefs and models. Below is an example of the words chosen and used by the parties when debating BIG TECH and either regulation or break up in the USA on July 29th 2020
Once we grasp there are massive gaps, voids and value difference by understanding each other’s assumptions, experiences and data; we can look beyond self-interest and consider many approaches. This is especially true when we talk about privacy, consent, personal data and personally identifiable information (PII)
Below is not an exhaustive list, but one that sets out some of the issues which create friction when talking about data. We endlessly debate the “ownership of data”, as if we all believe it is possible or the best outcome. Perhaps we should spend more time trying to determine why someone else has a different, valid and constant model to the one I hold dear.