Data is the new oil! Protect it for the generations!

Data is the new oil! Protect it for the generations!

What does misplacement of one cassette tape amount to in the grand scheme? In this case, the loss of raw footage of mankind's first steps on the moon!

What deserves to be cherished in museums was lost to the test of time and the advent of new technologies. What was supposed to be a landmark incident for humanity failed to be protected!

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Modern technologies have facilitated us to capture the beautiful moments of our life and review and remember them on a whim. But what about events that happened when these techs were not a thing? What about our parent's marriage during the VCR era? Do you have to sit back and accept that all this precious information is lost and inaccessible?

How is this related to today's IT?

The SEC mandates eight years of retention of financial documents. Some of the essential business data need to be retained for 30 years. How confident are we that this data will still be retrievable in 30 years?

Our data problem is not solved by just embracing the newer technologies like Rubrik or Cohesity. They make the new data immutable and secure. But, having legacy data (Long Time Retention - LTR) on legacy systems is like riding on two horses at the same time!

A wholistic migration is the need of the hour. Unless you migrate your legacy data (LTR), your cost and risk of losing data will not reduce.

It is vital to understand how you can migrate the LTR and retire the old. What if it creates a business case? Cube finds, in 90% of the cases, the ROI is realized in less than a year!

Data is the new oil! Protect it for the generations!

One small step in data migration, one giant leap for data security! Interested in learning more, write to us at [email protected]!



