Data! Data! My Kingdom for Data!
While the banking sector has at hand an impressive amount of data on the profiles and behaviours of its clients, it has not yet been able to exploit the full potential of this information windfall. The challenges of information processing in the sector over the last few decades have been both volumetric and technical in nature, and have been dictated by compliance, new taxation rules and risk management.
The example of GAFA that have mastered the exploitation, segmentation and monetization of the profile and behaviour of their clients presents some interesting leads, while taking into account a regulatory framework and the relationship of trust and social responsibility between a customer and his banker. The challenge within the coming years will most probably change of nature, and require an in-depth reflection on our social model.
The evolution we are witnessing in the sector is only the dawn of a much deeper transformation which is not only numerical or of an organisational nature but is more a matter of sociological adaptation; technological and managerial innovation or changes are an accelerator and a facilitator of a global transformation that sees the individualization of the needs combined with predictive models, and even assertive ones, of the client journey.
As an example, if we consider segmentation and client knowledge, currently most banks still work with relatively large segments and a certain number of segregated applications and databases, in most cases a stack of more or less recent and compatible technologies and applications. The new models will favor a micro segmentation, crossing several identifiers in a matrix to allow a more tailor made approach and a more appropriate products offer; this evolution of mass media marketing into micro media , by a segmentation and targetting of smaller segments, is only possible through the use of big data, automation of processes and interconnection of the massive database available after some 30 years into the computer age. For the demand this segmentation is possible through the analysis of compatible and standardized data and the use of a large volume of data to identify patterns and profiles in order to refine and get a more accurate statistical model.
On the other end to get a more segmented product offer, in terms of profitability, on need to go through a modeling and a modular design to ease and monitor variations of the product to finer shades of customers. In many cases, in means to unbundle a large range of products/services and to redesign them with a Customer centric approach, with variation of level of services and needs in mind, often far from the traditional product approach of the banking sector.
As one see the technical evolution is not an end in itself, and this in the context of a conceptual evolution and strategic thinking, on the who, the how and the why we select or not the client segments, and what one is going to do to improve or create or lead the client journey. And this technical evolution need also to be evolutive and allow the customer to be a much more acting part in the process; this can be driven by legal constraints, like to agree or not on the use of data, or allow a reader access to his stored data; and allow feedback loop and update of the stored information that will in turn generate a segment adjustment and improve the customer experience.
Of course, this leads to some debates on the limits of predictive models in marketing and management. Repetitive patterns in the past are an indicator, not an absolute rule. Rules of sound management should foster a multi-criteria approach and leave a part to the human element, the beauty of the exercice is even this random generation could be include in an automation and AI process. I sometimes get bored whent Amazon send me only proposals based on my previous orders, and will appreciate a little fantasy and see my curiosity solicited in their book choices.
Another burning debate are the fear of Big Brother aka the dangers of interconnecting too many databases and dataflows, to define the controls and 'need to know' access, impose safety rules for our privacy, and agree on 'who is guarding the guardians'. In areas as sensitive as financial assets, whether credit application or asset management requests are being referred to; the prospect of seeing this kind of information cross checked with medical data can be disturbing and a good topic for the next season of Black Mirror.
Also one should keep in mind , this evolution affects many activities working on data mining, that meet today the same challenge of the CIA tryptic (confidentiality, integrity, acessibility) and a strict regulatory and compliance framework; the bankers, the doctors, the lawyers, the notaries. This should encourage more discussions and exchanges between these professions, that touch on a relational, commercial and intimate sphere of the lives of their clients. Bankers should not work in a silo , and in a stand alone basis. We are part of the city and are part of a social network of duties and obligations that goes beyond an economic purpose. Initiatives like workshops, hackaton, and inter sector seminars are key to enlarge perspectives and cross fertilize each sector. A more global approach of this transformation will involve also legal and ethical considerations, on how we manage, store, exploit and provide sensitive data.
A next step in our definition of AI, digital transformation and big data management is to turn to is to turn to this important pool of knowledge that is the field of human and social sciences; and to embark with us more sociologists, philosophers, political scientists and linguists, alongside the coders, jurists and futurists (and a few people from finance to look at the P/L at the end of the day), and to discuss and define together what we, actors and consumers but also citizens, want to make of this new digital world.
?????? Managing Partner Square Management Belgium (Consulting in Strategy & Organisation / Financial Services) ??? Chroniqueur Finance ‘Cash & Clear’ BXFM ?? Entrepreneur
6 年A deep swim in the data lake!