A Data Modeling Dilemma: Taming Many-to-Many Relationships

A Data Modeling Dilemma: Taming Many-to-Many Relationships

Recently, while building a data warehouse to support data analysis for a customer support ticketing system, I encountered a scenario that had me scratching my head for the last week or so.

This was the scenario: I was working with multiple fact tables with multiple records per key. Among other details, consider the various assignees, reopenings, and comments for a single ticket.

A classic scenario of what we'd call a many-to-many relationship, right?

The Initial Approach: One Big Table (OBT).

I initially attempted to fit everything into an enormous fact table. Genius old me ??. And guess what! The output was 'hobela hobela', as my primary school insha teacher used to comment on my Swahili compositions. Uh! wish I had had a revelation that I'd be an article writer someday, I'd have paid more attention. Anyways, enough of the ranting, let's proceed with the data stuff, the sweet stuff.

To put it mildly, it wasn't pretty: I faced an unclear, difficult-to-maintain table that was prone to mistakes on the first, second, third, and every go of tweaking my joins. Speaking of tweaking my joins reminds me of the nightmares of duplicate data and a confusing, hard-to-maintain dbt model that arose.

Hmm... seems I am forgetting about another plague; slow query performance.

Many-to-Many Relationships with dbt.

I realized that instead of forcing a fully denormalized One Big Table (OBT) approach, I needed to leverage dbt's modular nature to create separate models for each type of granular data. For example:

  • fact_tickets.sql at the ticket level
  • fact_comments.sql at the comment level
  • fact_assignments.sql at the assignment level
  • fact_reopened_tickets.sql at the reopenings level
  • fact_resolvers.sql at the ticket resolving level

The Solution: Bridge Tables.

Researching led me to this approach. In short, the bridge table technique was my light at the end of the tunnel. with it:

  • I was able to create dynamic relationships without duplicating data.
  • queries became more efficient when joining smaller, focused models.
  • with reduced redundancy, i was able to achieve very few to no inconsistencies which i was able to eradicate with simple tests.
  • finally, with modularity achieved, it was possible to test and maintain each dbt model independently.

I've realized that I'm just yapping around without providing an example. As a visual learner myself, I appreciate articles with examples or elaborative diagrams for better understanding. So, why not do the same in my articles? See below:

Let's say we're dealing with tickets and assignees. Here's how I structured my dbt models to tame any many -to-many relations into pairs of one-to-many relationships, definitely easing out my dilemma.

-- models/staging/stg_tickets.sql
FROM {{ source('raw_data', 'tickets') }}

-- models/staging/stg_assignees.sql
FROM {{ source('raw_data', 'assignees') }}

-- models/marts/fct_ticket_assignee_bridge.sql
FROM {{ source('raw_data', 'ticket_assignments') }}

-- models/marts/mrt_tickets.sql
    a.name AS assignee_name,
    a.department AS assignee_department,
FROM {{ ref('stg_tickets') }} t
LEFT JOIN {{ ref('fct_ticket_assignee_bridge') }} b ON t.ticket_id = b.ticket_id
LEFT JOIN {{ ref('stg_assignees') }} a ON b.assignee_id = a.assignee_id        

With the bridging technique, fct_ticket_assignee_bridge, several avenues become apparent, i.e.:

  • I was able to model multiple assignees per ticket and multiple tickets per assignee easily.
  • Additional metadata about the assignment (like assigned_date, comment_date, etc.) became easily identifiable.
  • And finally, it was easy to identify clear lineages and dependencies between my models.

Wrapping up:

When dealing with complex relationships in your data model, break things down into smaller dbt models. OBT could work, but talk of best practices and scalable practices, the bridging technique wins big by providing a cleaner, more efficient, and super maintainable solution.

Remember, in the world of data modeling, in my case with dbt, modularity and clarity often lead to better long-term results.


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