Data Literacy : A cultural transformation

The answer can only be as good as the question asked. If one needs better insights from data , they should ask better questions!!

Data Literacy : A leadership driven organizational culture wherein data is the secondary language. As many organizations are moving to a data-driven approach , a common industry approach is to setup data analytics/big data/artificial intelligence teams and expect them to provide the insights. As a culture , one should promote data literacy wherein all the employees including leaders should talk more about the reliability and the accuracy of the base data used to derive conclusions. Moreover an enterprise wide data governance framework should must include data catalog, operational metadata , reference metadata, and data quality metrics to catalyze data literacy.

An effective implementation should also include providing employees a basic understanding of mathematical and statistical concepts and should be encouraged to use them on a day to day basis in their work. Rather than just relying on specific team to provide insights , It would be more productive if an organization works on enabling its employees to talk and understand data. As a result they would be able to ask better questions and hence get better insights. It is a cultural transformation for an organization and hence should be a leadership driven initiative.


