Data : Let's start from us
Giorgio Torre
Strategy, AI and Digital Transformation | Blockchain and IoT ? Smart Services ? Top 5 Tech Voice Global | 125k Followers
Without data , no evaluation is possible . Failures can become success if we analyze data : maybe you falling for some mistakes but holding a knowledge of how to manage data give you a possibility to use wings on the way down and save your project .
Information as elementary variable of the universe , information is where science corresponds to philosophy and vice versa . Information is composed by atomic elements as sum of elements that human intelligence is able to receive/transmit/understand/perceive plus other (that for definition we are actually not able to perceive) .
Information speaks different “languages” , uses multiple codes . Each living/non-living beings has a characteristic transfer function (or communication function) that analytically describes each entity in our universe . It tells us how an entity (a man ,a dog , a mountain , a flower etc) interacts with the surrounding universe . In engineering terms we could consider the transfer function as the one used in the control theory . Of course , the general transfer function takes into consideration all the ontological and universal aspects (mechanics , astrophysics , pshycology , quantum mechanics etc) so that one can have one single formula describing each entity in our universe .
Now you are reading my words and at least the half part you stop doing it , thinking stuff like : “Oh Gosh this paper is about philosophy , not Project Management ! “. In this case , be patient , in the next 5 lines I’ll be on point , i’m not going to go any further with platonic models . The other half will be curious to read where I’m going to .
As part of our universe , we have our characteristic transfer function : the human being transfer function . Our function is different from the other functions (i.e. a human being can perceive the reality in a different way compared to a flower or a fish ) and this brings us to define the concept of reality .
Shortly , reality is the energy field in which all of us we are , we feed it and we are subjected to it . Is like to jump in a swimming pool : water waves are the field , we produce waves just being inside the water ( we feed the field) and at the same time we are “hit” by the waves (we are subjected to the field) .
It implies that human being transfer function is that makes possible for human being to able to understand ONLY some kind of information languages , only some codes . We use to perceive this codes from the surrounding universe and process them and that’s what happen when we talk about rationality , intuitions etc : all the neural processes are just the technical translation of what I’ve already written in “functional” terms .
In other words :
- Input : reality (inflow informations from information field)
- State : Elaboration according to characteristic transfer function (depending by the kind of entity)
- Output : reality (outflow informations , it will upset the immediately-before field configuration)
So , here we are . All I wanted to mark was the concept of DATA. We are information so , we cannot imagine the future without implementing always more accurate analytical methods for DATA analysis .
It’s about information , it’s about universe , it’s about what we have , what we want to have , it’ s about what we are and we will be!
Strategy, AI and Digital Transformation | Blockchain and IoT ? Smart Services ? Top 5 Tech Voice Global | 125k Followers
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