Data Governance and the Maturity Assessment Model
The fundamental challenge and goal for any organization are to best cater to the needs of the stakeholders. It can often be complex due to the variety of external and internal variables that are ever-evolving rapidly. The analytical data collected provides a powerful critical insight into strategies' trends, movements, and execution. The Chief Data Officer (CDO) formulates Data Governance frameworks to create a broad, all-encompassing directive for the stewardships to execute. However, further aligning data governance goals requires exploring novel models, such as a Maturity Assessment model.?
What is the Maturity Assessment Model?
Maturity Assessment Models are essentially a framework to evaluate and improve the ability of an enterprise to perform and execute a strategy to its full extent in any given discipline. They examine the infrastructure in place, the human resources, and how capabilities can optimize allocation. These assessment models play a vital role in better defining data governance models and evaluating them according to business goals.?
Each maturity model is defined around the characteristics of firmly being qualitative with quantitative aspects. They tend to be pretty broad, containing a critical organizational philosophy that can align with the Business goals.
What are the Key Steps of the Maturity Model?
In the 1980s, The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) was initially devised with Carnegie Mellon University's SEI (Software Engineering Institute) for the Department of Defense to better assess their software stack's maturity. CMM was quickly embraced by enterprises and software vendors to expand and tailor it to various data governance needs. Here are the five critical processes that form the basic foundation of all maturity models-
How do various Maturity Models differ from each other?
CMM is the base maturity assessment model from which many other models are based or take inspiration. However, there are significant derivations as a single maturity model does not support all enterprise customers. They must be tailored to suit the various requirements of the stakeholders while being financially suitable on a short and long-term basis.?
Here are some of the leading Maturity assessment models and their following unique features for varying business goals-
1. IBM- Their maturity model takes key inspirations from the CMM with similar five levels of assessments. However, it diverges from many other models by encompassing data management and governance as an integral focus. They have 11 different domains with which enterprises can assess governance policies. The core disciplines comprising their maturity model are-
2. Kalido- Their maturity model squarely focuses on the idea of having the entire organization working in an interconnected fashion and being on the same level to be fully mature. It has only four levels, with their ranking being-
Kalido prioritizes the whole organization to achieve significant headway in the Data governance policies.?
3. The Stanford Model- Unlike many other models based on CMM, it was entirely developed internally at Stanford University. Their model is designed squarely around the enterprise market, with projects, people, and capability being a key focus.
Maturity Components- Two dimensions comprise the model-
Each dimension is divided into Projects, People, and Capabilities to ensure better maturity assessment across organizations. This model has gained notoriety for being an open source model and is an inspiration for companies to adapt. Beyond the three models mentioned here, many assessment models exist to explore and organizations to experiment with.?
Key Benefits to Adopt Data Maturity Models
Challenges of Adopting Data Governance Maturity Models?
Most stakeholders should look at the Data governance maturity assessment models as a guide to achieving the company's core business goals rather than as a rulebook. These models are intentionally broad and do not fit all categories or structures of business.?
Survey your organizations and get a complete analysis of the company's goals to hone in on the key focus areas through the qualitative questions. They can work as a great tool to introspect into the current standings of Data Governance and execute according to the desired business requirements.