Data-driven online synchronous learning

Data-driven online synchronous learning

When I read articles (such as this one) that discuss the near future of corporate training, they frequently highlight "data-driven learning." In every single instance that I have seen so far (please let me know if I've missed something��it's certainly possible!), these prognostications focus on the use of data in asynchronous online learning.

I'm guessing that the authors have the following thought process:

  • Data is an important foundation for good decision-making.
  • Data is available for asynchronous learning. Therefore, use data for planning and analyzing it.
  • Data is not available for synchronous learning. So there isn't anything to say here.

That would all be well and good if it were the case��but it's not. Engageli supports the delivery of synchronous learning sessions, and it does a marvelous job of collecting data that directly captures student engagement.

This data enables instructors and staff to look at the following after the session:

  • How much did learners talk during the whole session?
  • How much did they talk while at their tables?
  • How much did learners speak at the podium?
  • How many times did learners provide an emoji for feedback?
  • How well did the learners perform on the in-class polls/assessments?

And so on.

This is exactly the type of data that a learning designer or instructor find useful when analyzing how well a recent learning session went, and what might be done to improve it.

Sounds like data-driven online synchronous learning to me. If you'd ever like to talk with me about how well Engageli might enable your own such sessions, please reach out to me.


Scott Moore�ĸ�������

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