Data-Driven Marketing
Our weekly CMO Council LinkedIn newsletter provides insights to CMOs on:?
o?? Discovering Data-Accelerated Revenue Traction
o How Marketers Build Resilient Brands
o?? What’s In Your Data DNA?
o?? Pathway To AI Competitive Advantage
Discovering Data-Accelerated Revenue Traction
Marketers are increasingly looking to data to better engage with customers and identify new opportunities. To ignite real change, data needs to move beyond the marketing silo. The three critical functions as it relates to customer engagement: marketing, commerce and supply chain, must work together to elevate data strategies. The CMO Council report, Doing More With Data, highlights the challenges facing each of these functions when it comes to how data strategies are being challenged and transformed. “Currently, too many research projects are siloed, duplicated and left to languish in different product development, business, marketing, customer support or field sales areas, rather than be readily accessible, usable and available across the organization,” says Donovan Neale-May, CMO Council Executive Director. ?Find out how executives are rethinking engagement strategies through smarter use of data insights
How Marketers Build Resilient Brands
Successful marketers constantly reposition brands for long-term, accelerated growth, finding new spaces outside their category boundaries and seeking breakthrough innovations. In fact, the most valuable brands in the world create shareholder value faster, resist market downturns and, also manage to weather recessions better than their counterparts. This resilience is down to the connections such brands make, and how they position themselves. The deciding qualities, according to global research house, Kantar, are that they are "meaningful, different and salient." Find out how to invest in resilient brands and meet market challenges head on
What’s In Your Data DNA
Having a good understanding of your organization’s Data DNA is pivotal to gaining a better return-on-insight. CMO Council has delved deeper into the essential data segments and sources to improve the diagnostics and predictive health of your business. These data segments are explained as follows: Dynamic Data, Prospect Data, Executional Data, Achievement Data, Transactional Data, Relationship Data, and Performance Data. Have a look at our interesting infographic on this important issue
Pathway To AI Competitive Advantage
How prepared and primed is your organization to unlock GenAI’s next-generation business value? Research by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network and Growth Officer Council is exploring areas of data AI readiness, such as data quality, accuracy and reliability, security and privacy, cost and ROI. Responses to this short online survey will be kept anonymous and findings only shared in aggregate. Be part of this important survey!
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