Data Driven Leadership Newsletter 3/7/2023
Podcast: How the Cloud Quickly Unlocks Data Value
Anyone who's undergone a data migration project knows they almost never get done as quickly as everyone hopes. Along the way, you may find out the process is more complex than expected, what you started to build wasn't what you needed, or that you don't have leadership buy-in. That doesn't always have to be the case, though. Texas Mutual underwent a complex data migration project and completed it well ahead of schedule.
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Multi-Year Data Strategy Pays off for Flagler Hospital
Flagler Hospital is a regional hospital in St. Augustine, Florida, with 316 beds and 12,000-15,000 annual admissions. They implemented an Allscripts initiative that brought many changes to the organization, in particular the need for an enterprise data warehouse. While they had elements of BI tools and processes, they needed strategic alignment and a BI strategy to better support the newly formed decision support department.
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How To Lay Data Governance Foundations at Your Company | American National Bank of Texas I Part 1
We're delighted to have Angela Jenkins, Senior Vice President of the American National Bank of Texas, as we dive into loss and risks around people, processes, systems, and external events and how data governance can limit this risk. (Part 1 of a 4-part series).
Data Visualization-3 Keys to Success
Data visualizations can be an incredibly effective communication tool no matter your audience. They take raw information and translate it into meaningful intelligence. But to really use it most effectively, you'll want to follow these three keys to success.
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Video: Business Intelligence & Data Manager: I'm in Constant Communication With Different Business Units
Owen Tak, Manager, Business Intelligence & Data, BMW Group Financial Services Canada, speaks with Michael Schwarz, Resultant Senior Vice President, in a video interview about the role of communication in the data strategy and roadmap, driving engagement in training initiatives, and retaining talent.
Inaccurate, stale data?
Treat the cause, not the symptoms. Let's talk data pipeline.