Data-driven insights identify advantages in the market

Data-driven insights identify advantages in the market

Karina Terekhova, Vice-President, Consulting Services at CGI, shares how CGI Voice of Our Clients (VOC) conversations help leaders examine their business strategy through multi-dimensional insights informed by comparing internal views on trends and priorities, year-on-year data, and anonymized peer data.

VOC conversations present diverse perspectives to clients, from across industries and within their particular vertical or geography. We work to identify aspects of the data that are particularly relevant to the client’s business, their emerging trends or market positioning.?

One of the greatest values to clients from VOC discussions occurs when both their IT and business leaders participate.?

Our clients typically are quite savvy when it comes to data analytics, and these data-driven discussions allow them to examine positioning and trends and compare themselves to peers or other industries, in an anonymized way. This allows them to identify quickly a potential advantage or disadvantage in the wider market.?

Examining the previous year’s answers against this year’s also helps them map where they are in their journey and how they’ve evolved year-on-year.

Comparing IT and business leader answers provides multi-dimensional insights?

One of the greatest values to clients from VOC discussions occurs when both their IT and business leaders participate. This provides multi-dimensional insights for comparing executive views to those in operations and IT, which helps expose gaps in strategic alignment. Such gaps give rise to additional conversations that explore the different points of view, leading to a deeper understanding of their own organization.??

As an example: In 2021 for one energy client, the top priority for both IT and business leaders was cybersecurity. For 2022, security remained the top priority for IT leaders; however, for business leaders, the energy transition rose to the top. As global events drove the need for new levels of energy security and developing green sources of energy closer to home, we also saw deglobalization emerge as a key macrotrend for the client’s business leaders.?

These differences sparked a moment of reflection for the client to consider how emerging trends would play out in their business strategy.?

Using VOC insights to reaffirm business strategy

Clients tell us they appreciate the level of detail in our questions, which helps them drill down into their business goals and reaffirm or refine their strategy. Having this dedicated opportunity to focus on plans and strategies helps them move beyond describing the ‘what’ toward defining the ‘how,’ and to reaffirm what makes their business strategy actionable. This consultative exchange gives them the space and time to sharpen for themselves the specific actions and investments needed to support their strategy.?

“Voice of Our Clients conversations help business leaders identify and refine specific initiatives and investments that make their strategy actionable.”?

Even behind just one number in a budget or plan, there is often a deeper story that VOC conversations enable leaders to examine, tell and understand.

Learn more about how the VOC program can help you gain insights you can act on

Every year, CGI leaders meet with business and IT executives to gather their perspectives on the trends affecting their enterprises. These industry insights - including the attributes of digital leaders - lead to actions to best satisfy the needs of your customers and citizens.

Voice of Our Clients gathers our clients’ perspectives on the trends affecting their enterprises. Learn more about the?VOC program.

More insights from leaders around the world

Several CGI leaders and experts around the world share the value the VOC program brings to their clients in this article series:



