Data Driven Compliance - Aron Clymer - Using Data as a Path to Yes
Thomas Fox
The Voice of Compliance*Founder of The Compliance Podcast Network*Evangelizing for and Serving the Compliance Community
Data Driven Compliance is a podcast featuring an in-depth conversation about the uses of data and data analytics in compliance programs. In this episode, I visit Aron Clymer, Founder and CEO of Data Clymer, who leads a full-stack data engineering firm to empower businesses to unlock the value of their data but discovers the challenge of creating a competitive advantage in the data space.
Aron Clymer spent twenty years working with enterprise software and data in Silicon Valley and corporate America. After building a data team at Salesforce, he became a professional services expert to gain experience with multiple industries. He created Data Clymer, a full-stack data engineering firm, to help businesses extract value from their data, where through data warehousing and business intelligence tools, Aron and his team can give companies access to all the data they need. By democratizing data access, Aron is helping companies create a competitive advantage and trust in their data.
Key Highlights:
2022 saw a relatively slow year in FCPA enforcement actions. Yet, as usual, the cases themselves were packed with much for the compliance professional to digest. However, 2022 was a very significant year for every compliance practitioner and compliance program. My latest book,?2022 - The Year in FCPA - FCPA Enforcement Actions, DOJ Commentary and Key Lessons for Compliance from 2022?reviews the corporate FCPA enforcement actions from the past year and mine them for lessons that can be garnered by the compliance practitioner.
What did the year 2022 in FCPA mean for you?
Check out 2022 - The Year in FCPA now available on?
Overcoming the Biggest Compliance Challenges in 2023
Perspectives Reception
From supply chain risks to DOJ certifications and policy updates, to running an effective Compliance program –amidst budget cuts and economic challenges – there are several emerging risks facing Chief Compliance Officers in 2023.
On April 13, 2023, from 3 pm to 5 pm CT at Venetian Terrace in Irving, Texas, Asha Palmer, Senior Vice President of Compliance Solutions at Skillsoft will address topics like the Duty of Oversight, understanding the supply chain, the conversation around ethical artificial intelligence, the biggest challenges when it comes to compliance learning and training, and more.
You won’t want to miss this exclusive, invitation-only reception located on the historic Mandalay Canal to discuss these challenges over appetizers, drinks, and focused conversations with Skillsoft and your peers.
Copyright ? 2023?The Compliance Evangelist, All rights reserved.
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