Data collection, Analysis and Visualization Using ODK, Stata and Quantum GIS in Monitoring and Evaluation
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Data collection, Analysis and Visualization Using ODK, Stata and Quantum GIS in Monitoring and Evaluation

FineResults Research Services is inviting you to take part in our upcoming trainings on Monitoring and Evaluation, and Project Management courses at our FineResults Services training facilities in Nairobi, Kenya.

Date:                              Event:

18th-29th/01/2021 : Data collection, Analysis and Visualization Using ODK, Stata and Quantum GIS in Monitoring and Evaluation

15th- 26th/02/2021: Data collection, Analysis and Visualization Using ODK, Stata and Quantum GIS in Monitoring and Evaluation

22nd- 02nd/04/2021 : Data collection, Analysis and Visualization Using ODK, Stata and Quantum GIS in Monitoring and Evaluation

Venue: FineResults Research Services, Nairobi, Kenya Training Centre.

Click to Register: Physical class USD 1600

                               : Online Training USD 1400

Contant us: email: [email protected] or Cell phone (+254 759 285 295)


A logical framework is an important part of monitoring and evaluating the progress and success of the project. The Logical framework provides various components of a project such as goal, objectives, activities, results and indicators. Indicators are linked to data anticipated to be collected during monitoring and evaluation of projects. Indicators provide a standard against which to measure impact brought about by project activities. Open Data Kit (ODK) helps to collect accurate and timely data for decision making. Whereas, Stata support data analysis, Quantum GIS helps in visualization of spatial data collected using ODK.


10 days


·       Learn how to develop a logical framework

·       Understand and appropriately use statistical terms and concepts

·       Use mobile data gathering tools such as Open Data Kit (ODK)

·       Learn how to conduct data analysis using stata

·       Use GIS software to visualize data on maps

·       Write reports from survey data


·       Government representatives working in Monitoring and evaluation

·       Project teams, NGOs staffs,

·       Consultants

·       Project managers

·       M&E specialists

·       Researchers.


Module 1

·       Data types- Qualitative and quantitative data

·       Research designs in qualitative data and quantitative data collection and analysis

·       developing a logical framework

·       Components of a logical framework

·       Mobile data collection in Monitoring and Evaluation

·       Introduction to common mobile based data collection platforms

·       Data aggregation, storage, and dissemination

Module 2

Survey Planning, Implementation and Completion

·       Types of surveys

·       The survey process

·       Survey design

·       Methods of survey sampling

·       Determining the Sample size

·       Planning a survey

·       Conducting the survey

·       After the survey

Software for Data Processing, management and GIS mapping

·       Data collections methods (Web, SMS, Mobile, Email, Social Media)

·       Use of ODK 2 for Mobile Data Collection

·       Importing ODK data into SPSS and Excel

·       Exercise: ODK exercise.

Module 3

·       Overview of available mobile phone based data collection platforms.

·       Types of questions and their data types.

·       Questionnaire/Form logic

·       Extended data types geoid, image, and multimedia

·       Survey Authoring

·       Design forms using a web interfaces using:

·       Hands-on Exercise

·       ODK Build

·       KoboToolBox

·       Preparing mobile devices for data collection

·       Installing application: ODK Collect

·       Configuring the device (Mobile Phones)

·       Uploading the form into the mobile devices

Module 4

·       Advanced survey Authoring: XLSForms

·       Introduction to XLSforms syntax

·       New data types

·       Notes and dates

·       Multiple choice Questions

·       Multiple Language Support

·       Hints and Metadata

·       Conditional Survey Branching

·       Required questions

·       Constraining responses

·       Skip: Asking Relevant Questions

·       The specify other

·       Grouping questions

·       Skipping many questions at once (Skipping a section)

·       Repeating a set of questions

·       Special formatting

·       Making dynamic calculations

Module 5

·       Hosting survey data: Cloud Hosting

·       Google Apps Engine

·       ODK Aggregate

·       KoboToolbox

·       Formhub

·       Hosting Survey Data: Local Server Hosting

·       Configuring ODK Aggregate on a local server

·       Downloading data

·       Manual download (ODK Briefcase)

·       Using the online server interface

Module 6

·       Downloading data from server and exporting to Stata

·       Introduction to statistical concepts

·       Descriptive Statistics

·       Inferential statistics

·       Types of research designs

·       The research process

Module 7

Introduction to Data management and analysis using Stata

·       Overview of Stata Software

·       Import, Export, load and save datasets

·       Sorting and ordering

·       Appending, merging and reorganizing datasets

·       Identify duplicate observations

·       Statistical Inference

·       Correlation  

·       Simple linear Regression and Multiple linear Regression

·       Comparing Means Using t-tests 

ü One Sample t-tests

ü Paired Sample t-tests

ü Independent Samples t-tests

Comparing Means Using One-Way ANOVA 

·       One-Way Anova

·       General Linear Model to Calculate One-Way ANOVAs

·       Exercises


·       Goodness of Fit Chi Square All Categories Equal

·       Goodness of Fit Chi Square Categories Unequal

·       Chi-Square for Contingency Tables

·       Exercises

Nonparametric Statistics 

·       Mann-Whitney Test

·       Wilcoxon’s Matched Pairs Signed-Ranks Test

·       Kruskal-Wallis One-Way ANOVA

·       Friedman’s Rank Test for k Related Samples

·       Exercises

Module 8

·       Introduction to GIS

·       Working with Spatial data (GPS Coordinates)

·       Spatial Mapping

·       Introduction to Fusion Table

·       Exporting GPS Coordinates (Google maps) to Fusion tables

·       Exporting data to Fusion tables using QGIS

·       Converting data to shape files

·       Integrating Mobile Data Collection tools into projects

Module 9

GIS mapping of survey data using QGIS

·       Introduction to GIS for Researchers and data scientists

·       Importing survey data into a GIS

·       Mapping of survey data using QGIS

·       Exercise: QGIS mapping exercise.

Module 10

 Report writing for surveys, data dissemination, demand and use

·       Writing a report from survey data

·       Communication and dissemination strategy

·       Context of Decision Making

·       Improving data use in decision making

·       Culture Change and Change Management

Visit our website for more details

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Payment should be transferred to FineResults Research Services account through bank on or before C.O.B. 15th January 2021  

 Send proof of payment to [email protected]

View Monitoring and Evaluation & Project Management courses Catalogue

For any registration of 3 or more participants; we offer a discount of up to 10%.

Click here now to Register.

For further inquiries email [email protected] or contact us on Tel: +254 759 285 295


Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact the Training Officer.

Email: [email protected]

Mob: +254 759 285 295



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