Data Cleaning after Survey Data Collection
Raja Sankaran
PhD IIM-Ranchi, Analytics from IIM-B, PhD Guide, keynote speaker, 22k+ connections, 473k impressions (2024), teach Research Methodology & Marketing, 6-Sigma, FDPs on bibliometric, SLR meta-analysis, MOOC IIMBx SPSS
Research scholars in various fields and our students participating in management courses at the B-school would be exposed to statistical analysis, helping them complete their respective assignments and research. A practical approach is used to assist the readers on the concept and step-by-step instructions on performing the data cleaning after data collected using a survey method.
Why is Data Cleaning necessary?
Data cleaning is a prerequisite, an essential part of any survey data collection performed before data analysis, sometimes overlooked by the researcher as its time consuming [1]. Working with skewed data will cause a slew of issues, affecting the data quality. Undertaking data cleaning will help identify and correct any errors or minimize their impact on the data quality and study results. Also, having poor quality data can be detrimental to further data analysis and lead to improper or inaccurate results. Data cleaning will identify any hidden issues and don’t influence the data analysis and results [2].
The data quality includes the following 8 dimensions as described by Prof. Hair [2], and their operational definitions differ by research domain (1) Completeness (2) Availability and accessibility (3) Currency (4) Accuracy (5) Validity (6) Usability and interpretability (7) Reliability and credibility (8) Consistency
Is data cleaning a necessary pre-check?
Data cleaning is one of the pre-checks to be undertaken before performing factor analysis (Refer to my earlier blog Subsequent to collecting the data from respondents, ensure to utilize the data preparation technique such as consistency check for data out of range, assigning missing values, discarding unsatisfactory responses, removing duplicate records and those showing zero or slight variance.
This blog acts as a guideline towards working with survey data right from data cleaning, followed by a proposed series of blogs on statistical analysis and writing high-quality academic articles/research papers.
A brief on the data set used
The data set used as part of this blog to demonstrate the technique of data cleaning and factor analysis was collected by the author of this blog. The sample respondents were collected using a Google survey form from the PGDM students studying in the B-school. In order to ensure data privacy and anonymity of the respondents, the data set does not include any personal information about the students. The same data set is also used in the class to teach students how to perform a series of measures, including pre-checks, data entry in SPSS, descriptive statistics, factor analysis and further for doing inferential statistical analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM). Anyone requiring the data set for practice purposes should request this blog's author by sending an email.
What is Data cleaning?
Data cleaning, as described by Prof. Naresh Malhotra [3], includes (a) consistency checks and (b) treatment of missing responses
- Out of range (for example, a value of 8 entered in a cell for the Likert scale of 1-7 used)
- Logically inconsistent or Unrealistic response (respondent chose Yes for using mobile banking but has selected “Never Used” in the frequency of use of mobile banking)
- Have extreme responses (for example, in a mobile banking survey, respondents were asked to identify the convenience of using an app. If most of them find it convenient, the values could tend to be more than 6 on a 7 point Likert scale)
- Missing values (due to improper recording or ambiguous answers)
- Discarding unsatisfactory responses
- Removing duplicate records
- Respondents data showing zero or slight variance
- Accessing fit of sample data with statistical assumptions (to be covered in the next blog)
- Identifying the patterns of responses by a respondent on a Likert scale
What could be the sources of errors during data collection?
The data could be collected from respondents as intercept sampling (offline mode) or using google form (online mode). A researcher should also keenly observe the data and identify the cause of non-response in data collection.
1. During offline mode of data collection
a) If a question or questions were left unanswered by the respondent
b) If an incorrect value has been entered in the tool (like Microsoft Excel) by the researcher during data entry (for example, a typographical error or data entry of 8 for a Likert scale 1-7 being used in the study)
2. During Online data collection process:
a) If a question or questions were left unanswered by the respondent since they were not listed as mandatory in the google form
Which software can be used for performing data cleaning?
For explaining the concept in this blog, the author has used Microsoft Excel and SPSS to perform data cleaning using the mobile banking data set. The author has used SPSS or Excel based on the ease of using it for a particular step.
Step-by-step procedure to perform data cleaning
- Once the data collection period is over, download the Google forms (survey data) in a .csv format. Insert a new column (1st column) for an ID or Serial Number to identify a record.
- Remove duplicate records: Since the email ID was collected as part of the data collection, Microsoft Excel can be used to eliminate or remove duplicate records.
- Unengaged response: are those records in which respondents have filled the survey form without reading the questions and answering them consistently with the same number (example 7 for all questions).
- Out of range: Though Excel can be used, SPSS will be much easier to find out of range, specifically with a larger data set.
Using the mobile banking data set, the data cleaning was performed as follows:
Step 1 – A total 75 records exist in the data set. A new column “ID” was inserted as the first column and numbers 1 to 75 were added to identify each record. Save it as an excel file.
Step 2 – Select all rows and columns. Choose Data -> Remove duplicates, unselect all and choose only Email. Note that the email column is used to identify a duplicate record. 4 duplicate records were removed and 71 unique values remain.
Step 3 – Create a new column “Unengaged” and enter the formula “=STDEV.P(D2:W2)” in cell X2 to find the standard deviation for questions 1 to 20. Note that only Likert scale question should be included and not to include other questions like demographic information. 4 records were found with 0 SD (Figure 1), which were removed from the data set, resulting in a total of 67 records. This has practical applicability as used in the research paper [4]. However, other patterns filled by respondents like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 etc. will be harder to identify. Such patterns could be manually identified by the researcher, through visualization of data.
Figure 1 – pattern filled by respondents related to unengaged response
Step 4 – The next step is to import the data into SPSS. A separate blog will be created for step-by-step instruction of importing data from excel (or csv) into SPSS file. To determine out of range, the following steps can be performed, and output is specified in Table 1.
In SPSS, Analyse -> Descriptive Statistics -> Frequencies -> (Choose all 20 Likert scale Questions) into variable(s) text box, as shown in Figure 2. In the statistics button, under Dispersion, checkboxes Minimum, Maximum, Std. deviation, range and click continue. Looking at a glance from the output of the statistics table (refer Table 1), PEOU2 and HB3 have 1 missing value each, and PU4 has a maximum value of 8 (on a Likert scale of 1-7).
In order to determine the cases (or record) with missing values, use Missing Value Analysis (MVA) in SPSS. Using this feature, one can pinpoint which case (or record) number has a missing value, and the output is detailed in Table 2. With this option, one can also select the estimation (Listwise, Pairwise, EM, Regression), which will help determine the possibly imputing missing values.
Figure 2 – Descriptive statistics in SPSS to identify out of range values
Table 1 – Descriptive Statistics output from SPSS
Table 2 - Missing Patterns (cases with missing values)
Other points regarding the missing value
a. At person-level, the missing value could be due to the respondent being reluctant to answer. The remedy is to go back to the field to collect data from that particular respondent or remove the individual cases or records from the data set.
b. At item-level, data imputation can be the remedy to missing value
c. At construct-level, data is missing for all items of a construct or a factor, the remedy is to remove that particular construct.
Note that data imputation is only recommended [2] when the missing value is low (less than 10%), a minimum sample is not obtained and no specific nonrandom patterns appear.
Application of this blog
- The perspective given in this blog will be useful to both research scholars and students while working with survey data.
- This blog, along with other proposed blogs on research design and writing quality research papers, will assist students, research scholars and academicians in publishing research articles in good journals.
- This blog can also be used as a class activity to publish assignment and evidence of students learning over time and effectively implement them in a classroom.
So stay tuned and keep an eye out for future blogs to learn more about this topic of statistical analysis and to write quality research papers.
[1] Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. and Anderson, R.E. (2010), Multivariate Data Analysis, 7th ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
[2] Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. and Anderson, R.E. (2019), Multivariate Data Analysis, 8th ed., Cengage
[3] Malhotra, N. K., & Dash, S. (2019). Marketing research: An applied orientation. Pearson India.
[4] Sankaran, R. and Chakraborty, S. (2021), Factors impacting mobile banking in India: empirical approach extending UTAUT2 with perceived value and trust, IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, Vol. ahead-of-print,
Team Leader-Production Operations (ADNOC Onshore)
8 个月Thanks Professor. It is really informative and useful.
Asst.Professor of Tribhuvan University
3 年Thank you Professor for sharing very useful information....appreciated it. Could you please send me the process of Panel Data analysis! if possible.