Preparing for the Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate exam?
Ankit Yadav ????
Data Consultant at Deloitte?? | Data Engineer | Ex-LTTS | 3x Azure Certified | 2x DataBricks Certified |Transforming Data into Insights for Impact ??
Check out these practice questions
Question 1:
You were asked to create a table that can store the below data, orderTime is a timestamp but the finance team when they query this data normally prefer the orderTime in date format, you would like to create a calculated column that can convert the orderTime column timestamp datatype to date and store it, fill in the blank to complete the DDL.
CREATE TABLE orders ( orderId int, orderTime timestamp, orderdate date _____________________________________________ , units int)
The answer is, GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CAST(orderTime as DATE))
Delta Lake supports generated columns which are a special type of columns whose values are automatically generated based on a user-specified function over other columns in the Delta table. When you write to a table with generated columns and you do not explicitly provide values for them, Delta Lake automatically computes the values.
Note: Databricks also supports partitioning using generated column
Question 2:
The data engineering team noticed that one of the job fails randomly as a result of using spot instances, what feature in Jobs/Tasks can be used to address this issue so the job is more stable when using spot instances?
The answer is,? Add a retry policy to the task
Tasks in Jobs support Retry Policy, which can be used to retry a failed tasks,? especially when using spot instance it is common to have failed executors or driver.
Question 3: Incorrect
What is the main difference between AUTO?LOADER? and COPY?INTO?
Auto loader supports both directory listing and file notification but COPY?INTO only supports directory listing.
Auto loader file notification will automatically set up a notification service and queue service that subscribe to file events from the input directory in cloud object storage like Azure blob storage or S3. File notification mode is more performant and scalable for large input directories or a high volume of files.
Auto Loader and Cloud Storage Integration
Auto Loader supports a couple of ways to ingest data incrementally
Auto Loader vs COPY?INTO?
Auto Loader
Auto Loader incrementally and efficiently processes new data files as they arrive in cloud storage without any additional setup. Auto Loader provides a new Structured Streaming source called cloudFiles. Given an input directory path on the cloud file storage, the cloudFiles source automatically processes new files as they arrive, with the option of also processing existing files in that directory.
When to use Auto Loader instead of the COPY?INTO?
Auto loader file notification will automatically set up a notification service and queue service that subscribe to file events from the input directory in cloud object storage like Azure blob storage or S3. File notification mode is more performant and scalable for large input directories or a high volume of files.
Here are some additional notes on when to use COPY?INTO?vs Auto Loader
When to use COPY INTO
When to use Auto Loader
Question 4: Incorrect
Why does AUTO LOADER require schema location?
The answer is, Schema location is used to store schema inferred by AUTO LOADER, so the next time AUTO?LOADER runs faster as does not need to infer the schema every single time by trying to use the last known schema.
Auto Loader samples the first 50 GB or 1000 files that it discovers, whichever limit is crossed first. To avoid incurring this inference cost at every stream start up, and to be able to provide a stable schema across stream restarts, you must set the option cloudFiles.schemaLocation. Auto Loader creates a hidden directory _schemas at this location to track schema changes to the input data over time.
The below link contains detailed documentation on different options
Question 5:
Which of the following statements are incorrect about the lakehouse
The answer is,? Storage is coupled with Compute.
The question was asking what is the incorrect option, in Lakehouse Storage is decoupled with compute so both can scale independently.
Question 6:
You are designing a data model that works for both machine learning using images and Batch ETL/ELT workloads. Which of the following features of data lakehouse can help you meet the needs of both workloads?
The answer is A data lakehouse stores unstructured data and is ACID-compliant,
Question 7: Correct
Which of the following locations in Databricks product architecture hosts jobs/pipelines and queries?
The answer is Control Plane,
Databricks operates most of its services out of a control plane and a data plane, please note serverless features like SQL?Endpoint and DLT?compute use shared compute in Control pane.
Control Plane:?Stored in Databricks Cloud Account
Data Plane:? Stored in Customer Cloud Account
Here is the product architecture diagram highlighted where
Question 8:
You are currently working on a notebook that will populate a reporting table for downstream process consumption, this process needs to run on a schedule every hour. what type of cluster are you going to use to set up this job?
The answer is, The Job cluster is best suited for this purpose.
Since you don't need to interact with the notebook during the execution especially when it's a scheduled job, job cluster makes sense. Using an all-purpose cluster can be twice as expensive as a job cluster.
When you run a job scheduler with option of creating a new cluster when the job is complete it terminates the cluster. You cannot restart a job cluster.
Question 9:
Which of the following developer operations in CI/CD flow can be implemented in Databricks Repos?
ExplanationSee the below diagram to understand the role Databricks Repos and Git provider plays when building a CI/CD workflow.
All the steps highlighted in yellow can be done Databricks Repo, all the steps highlighted in Gray are done in a git provider like Github or Azure DevOps
Question 10:
You are currently working with the second team and both teams are looking to modify the same notebook, you noticed that the second member is copying the notebooks to the personal folder to edit and replace the collaboration notebook, which notebook feature do you recommend to make the process easier to collaborate.
Answer is Databricks Notebooks support real-time coauthoring on a single notebook
Every change is saved, and a notebook can be changed my multiple users.
Question 11:
You are currently working on a project that requires the use of SQL and Python in a given notebook, what would be your approach
The answer is, A single notebook can support multiple languages, use the magic command to switch between the two.
Use %sql and %python magic commands within the same notebook.
Question 12:
Which of the following statements are correct on how Delta Lake implements a lake house?
Delta lake is
Question 14:
if you run the command VACUUM transactions retain 0 hours? What is the outcome of this command?
The answer is,
Command will fail, you cannot run the command with retentionDurationcheck enabled.
VACUUM [ [db_name.]table_name | path] [RETAIN num HOURS] [DRY RUN]
Documentation in VACUUM
Question 15:
You noticed a colleague is manually copying the data to the backup folder prior to running an update command, incase if the update command did not provide the expected outcome so he can use the backup copy to replace table, which Delta Lake feature would you recommend simplifying the process?
The answer is, Use time travel feature to refer old data instead of manually copying.
SELECT count(*) FROM my_table TIMESTAMP AS OF "2019-01-01"SELECT count(*) FROM my_table TIMESTAMP AS OF date_sub(current_date(), 1)SELECT count(*) FROM my_table TIMESTAMP AS OF "2019-01-01 01:30:00.000"
Question 16:
Which one of the following is not a Databricks lakehouse object?
The answer is, Stored Procedures.
Databricks lakehouse does not support stored procedures.
Question 17:
What type of table is created when you create delta table with below command?
CREATE TABLE transactions USING DELTA LOCATION "DBFS:/mnt/bronze/transactions"
Anytime a table is created using the LOCATION keyword it is considered an external table, below is the current syntax.
CREATE TABLE table_name ( column column_data_type…) USING format LOCATION "dbfs:/"
I created the table command based on the above question, you can see it created an external table,
Let's remove the location keyword and run again, same syntax except for the LOCATION?keyword is removed.
Question 18:
Which of the following command can be used to drop a managed delta table and the underlying files in the storage?
The answer is DROP TABLE table_name,
When a managed table is dropped, the table definition is dropped from metastore and everything including data, metadata, and history are also dropped from storage.
Question 19:
Which of the following is the correct statement for a session scoped temporary view?
The answer is Temporary views are lost once the notebook is detached and attached
There are two types of temporary views that can be created, Session scoped and Global
Question 20:
Which of the following is correct for the global temporary view?
The answer is global temporary views can be still accessed even if the notebook is detached and attached
There are two types of temporary views that can be created Local and Global
· A local temporary view is only available with a spark session, so another notebook in the same cluster can not access it. if a notebook is detached and reattached local temporary view is lost.
· A global temporary view is available to all the notebooks in the cluster, even if the notebook is detached and reattached it can still be accessible but if a cluster is restarted the global temporary view is lost.
Question 21: Correct
You are currently working on reloading customer_sales tables using the below query
INSERT?OVERWRITE?customer_salesSELECT?* FROM?customers cINNER?JOIN sales_monthly s on s.customer_id = c.customer_id
After you ran the above command, the Marketing team quickly wanted to review the old data that was in the table. How does INSERT?OVERWRITE?impact the data in the customer_sales table if you want to see the previous version of the data prior to running the above statement?
The answer is,? INSERT?OVERWRITE? Overwrites the current version of the data but preserves all historical versions of the data, you can time travel to previous versions.
INSERT?OVERWRITE?customer_salesSELECT?* FROM?customers cINNER?JOIN sales s on s.customer_id = c.customer_id
Let's just assume that this is the second time you are running the above statement, you can still query the prior version of the data using time travel, and any DML/DDL?except DROP?TABLE creates new PARQUET?files so you can still access the previous versions of data.
SQL?Syntax for Time travel
SELECT?*?FROM?table_name as of [version number]
with customer_sales example
SELECT?*?FROM?customer_sales as of 1 -- previous version
SELECT?*?FROM?customer_sales as of 2 -- current version
You see all historical changes on the table using DESCRIBE?HISTORY?table_name
Note: the main difference between INSERT?OVERWRITE and CREATE?OR?REPLACE?TABLE(CRAS)?is that? CRAS can modify the schema of the table, i.e it can add new columns or change data types of existing columns.? By default? INSERT?OVERWRITE? only overwrites the data.
INSERT?OVERWRITE? can also be used to update the schema when is set true if this option is not enabled and if there is a schema mismatch command? INSERT?OVERWRITEwill fail.
Any DML/DDL?operation(except DROP TABLE) on the Delta table preserves the historical version of the data.
Question 22: Correct
Which of the following SQL statement can be used to query a table by eliminating duplicate rows from the query results?
The? answer is? SELECT DISTINCT * FROM table_name
Question 23: Incorrect
Which of the below SQL Statements can be used to create a SQL UDF to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa, you need to pass two parameters to this function one, actual temperature, and the second that identifies if its needs to be converted to Fahrenheit or Celcius with a one-word letter F or C?
select udf_convert(60,'C')? will result in 15.5
select udf_convert(10,'F')? will result in 50
The answer is
CREATE FUNCTION udf_convert(temp DOUBLE, measure STRING)RETURNS DOUBLERETURN CASE WHEN measure == ‘F’ then (temp * 9/5) + 32 ELSE (temp – 33 ) * 5/9 END
Question 24: Incorrect
You are trying to calculate total sales made by all the employees by parsing a complex struct data type that stores employee and sales data, how would you approach this in SQL
Table definition,
batchId INT, performance ARRAY<STRUCT<employeeId: BIGINT, sales: INT>>, insertDate TIMESTAMP
Sample data of performance column
[{ "employeeId":1234"sales" : 10000},?{ "employeeId":3232"sales" : 30000}]
Calculate total sales made by all the employees?
Sample data with create table syntax for the data:?
create or replace table sales as select 1 as batchId , from_json('[{ "employeeId":1234,"sales" : 10000 },{ "employeeId":3232,"sales" : 30000 }]', 'ARRAY<STRUCT<employeeId: BIGINT, sales: INT>>') as performance, current_timestamp() as insertDateunion all select 2 as batchId , from_json('[{ "employeeId":1235,"sales" : 10500 },{ "employeeId":3233,"sales" : 32000 }]', 'ARRAY<STRUCT<employeeId: BIGINT, sales: INT>>') as performance, current_timestamp() as insertDate
? ? ? ?
The answer is
select aggregate(flatten(collect_list(performance.sales)), 0, (x, y) -> x + y) as total_sales from sales
Nested Struct can be queried using the . notation?performance.sales will give you access to all the sales values in the performance column.?
Note:?option D?is wrong because it uses performance:sales not performance.sales. ":" this is only used when referring to JSON?data but here we are dealing with a struct data type.? for the exam please make sure to understand if you are dealing with JSON data or Struct data.
Here are some additional examples
Other solutions:
we can also use reduce instead of aggregate
select reduce(flatten(collect_list(performance.sales)), 0, (x, y) -> x + y) as? total_sales from sales
we can also use explode and sum instead of using any higher-order funtions.
with cte as ( select explode(flatten(collect_list(performance.sales))) sales from sales)select sum(sales) from cte
Sample data with create table syntax for the data:?
create or replace table sales as select 1 as batchId , from_json('[{ "employeeId":1234,"sales" : 10000 },{ "employeeId":3232,"sales" : 30000 }]', 'ARRAY<STRUCT<employeeId: BIGINT, sales: INT>>') as performance, current_timestamp() as insertDateunion all select 2 as batchId , from_json('[{ "employeeId":1235,"sales" : 10500 },{ "employeeId":3233,"sales" : 32000 }]', 'ARRAY<STRUCT<employeeId: BIGINT, sales: INT>>') as performance, current_timestamp() as insertDate
Question 25: Correct
Which of the following statements can be used to test the functionality of code to test number of rows in the table equal to 10 in python?
row_count = spark.sql("select count(*) from table").collect()[0][0]
The answer is assert row_count == 10, "Row count did not match"
Review below documentation
Question 26: Correct
How do you handle failures gracefully when writing code in Pyspark,? fill in the blanks to complete the below statement
_____?"table_name").select("column").write.mode("append").SaveAsTable("new_table_name")?_____? print(f"query failed")
The answer is try: and except:
Question 27: Correct
You are working on a process to query the table based on batch date, and batch date is an input parameter and expected to change every time the program runs, what is the best way to we can parameterize the query to run without manually changing the batch date?
The answer is,? Create a notebook parameter for batch date and assign the value to a python variable and use a spark data frame to filter the data based on the python variable
Question 28: Correct
Which of the following commands results in the successful creation of a view on top of the delta stream(stream on delta table)?
The answer is
When you load a Delta table as a stream source and use it in a streaming query, the query processes all of the data present in the table as well as any new data that arrives after the stream is started.
You can load both paths and tables as a stream, you also have the ability to ignore deletes and changes(updates, Merge, overwrites) on the delta table.
Here is more information,
Question 29: Incorrect
Which of the following techniques structured streaming uses to create an end-to-end fault tolerance?
The answer is Checkpointing and idempotent sinks
How does structured streaming achieves end to end fault tolerance:
Taken together, replayable data sources and idempotent sinks allow Structured Streaming to ensure end-to-end, exactly-once semantics under any failure condition.
Question 30:
Which of the following two options are supported in identifying the arrival of new files, and incremental data from Cloud object storage using Auto Loader?
The answer is A, Directory listing, File notifications
Directory listing: Auto Loader identifies new files by listing the input directory.
File notification: Auto Loader can automatically set up a notification service and queue service that subscribe to file events from the input directory.
Question 31:
Which of the following data workloads will utilize a Bronze table as its destination?
The answer is A job that ingests raw data from a streaming source into the Lakehouse.
The ingested data from the raw streaming data source like Kafka is first stored in the Bronze layer as first destination before it is further optimized and stored in Silver.
Bronze Layer:
1. Raw copy of ingested data
2. Replaces traditional data lake
3. Provides efficient storage and querying of full, unprocessed history of data
4. No schema is applied at this layer
Exam focus: Please review the below image and understand the role of each layer(bronze, silver, gold) in medallion architecture, you will see varying questions targeting each layer and its purpose.
Sorry I?had to add the watermark some people in Udemy are copying my content.
Purpose of each layer in medallion architecture
Question 32:
Which of the following data workloads will utilize a silver table as its source?
The answer is,? A job that aggregates cleaned data to create standard summary statistics
Silver zone maintains the grain of the original data, in this scenario a job is taking data from the silver zone as the source and aggregating and storing them in the gold zone.
Silver Layer:
1. Reduces data storage complexity, latency, and redundency
2. Optimizes ETL throughput and analytic query performance
3. Preserves grain of original data (without aggregation)
4. Eliminates duplicate records
5. production schema enforced
6. Data quality checks, quarantine corrupt data
Exam focus: Please review the below image and understand the role of each layer(bronze, silver, gold) in medallion architecture, you will see varying questions targeting each layer and its purpose.
Sorry I?had to add the watermark some people in Udemy are copying my content.
Purpose of each layer in medallion architecture
Question 33: Incorrect
Which of the following data workloads will utilize a gold table as its source?
The answer is,? A job that queries aggregated data that already feeds into a dashboard
The gold layer is used to store aggregated data, which are typically used for dashboards and reporting.
Review the below link for more info,
Gold Layer:
1. Powers Ml applications, reporting, dashboards, ad hoc analytics
2. Refined views of data, typically with aggregations
3. Reduces strain on production systems
4. Optimizes query performance for business-critical data
Exam focus: Please review the below image and understand the role of each layer(bronze, silver, gold) in medallion architecture, you will see varying questions targeting each layer and its purpose.
Sorry I?had to add the watermark some people in Udemy are copying my content.
Purpose of each layer in medallion architecture
Question 34:
You are currently asked to work on building a data pipeline, you have noticed that you are currently working with a data source that has a lot of data quality issues and you need to monitor data quality and enforce it as part of the data ingestion process, which of the following tools can be used to address this problem?
The answer is, DELTA LIVE TABLES
Delta live tables expectations can be used to identify and quarantine bad data, all of the data quality metrics are stored in the event logs which can be used to later analyze and monitor.
Below are three types of expectations, make sure to pay attention differences between these three.?
Retain invalid records:
Use the expect operator when you want to keep records that violate the expectation. Records that violate the expectation are added to the target dataset along with valid records:
@dlt.expect("valid timestamp", "col(“timestamp”) > '2012-01-01'")
CONSTRAINT valid_timestamp EXPECT (timestamp > '2012-01-01')
Drop invalid records:
Use the expect or drop operator to prevent the processing of invalid records. Records that violate the expectation are dropped from the target dataset:
@dlt.expect_or_drop("valid_current_page", "current_page_id IS NOT NULL AND current_page_title IS NOT NULL")
CONSTRAINT valid_current_page EXPECT (current_page_id IS NOT NULL and current_page_title IS NOT NULL) ON VIOLATION DROP ROW
Fail on invalid records:
When invalid records are unacceptable, use the expect or fail operator to halt execution immediately when a record fails validation. If the operation is a table update, the system atomically rolls back the transaction:
@dlt.expect_or_fail("valid_count", "count > 0")
Question 35:
When building a DLT s pipeline you have two options to create a live tables, what is the main difference between CREATE STREAMING LIVE TABLE vs CREATE LIVE TABLE?
The answer is,? CREATE STREAMING LIVE TABLE is used when working with Streaming data sources and Incremental data
Question 36:
A particular job seems to be performing slower and slower over time, the team thinks this started to happen when a recent production change was implemented, you were asked to take look at the job history and see if we can identify trends and root cause, where in the workspace UI can you perform this analysis?
The answer is,?
Under jobs UI select the job you are interested, under runs we can see current active runs and last 60 days historical run
Question 37:
What are the different ways you can schedule a job in Databricks workspace?
The answer is, Cron, On-Demand runs
Supports running job immediately or using can be scheduled using CRON?syntax
Question 38:
You have noticed that Databricks SQL queries are running slow, you are asked to look reason why queries are running slow and identify steps to improve the performance, when you looked at the issue you noticed all the queries are running in parallel and using a SQL endpoint(SQL Warehouse) with a single cluster. Which of the following steps can be taken to improve the performance/response times of the queries?
*Please note Databricks recently renamed SQL?endpoint to SQL?warehouse.
The answer is, They can increase the maximum bound of the SQL endpoint’s scaling range when you increase the max scaling range more clusters are added so queries instead of waiting in the queue can start running using available clusters, see below for more explanation.
The question is looking to test your ability to know how to scale a SQL?Endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) and you have to look for cue words or need to understand if the queries are running sequentially or concurrently. if the queries are running sequentially then scale up(Size of the cluster from 2X-Small to 4X-Large) if the queries are running concurrently or with more users then scale out(add more clusters).
SQL?Endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) Overview:?(Please read all of the below points and the below diagram to understand )
Please review the below diagram to understand the above concepts:?
SQL endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) scales horizontally(scale-out) and vertical (scale-up), you have to understand when to use what.
Scale-out -> to add more clusters for a SQL endpoint, change max number of clusters
If you are trying to improve the throughput, being able to run as many queries as possible then having an additional cluster(s) will improve the performance.
Databricks SQL?automatically scales as soon as it detects queries are in queuing state, in this example scaling is set for min 1 and max 3 which means the warehouse can add three clusters if it detects queries are waiting.?
During the warehouse creation or after you have the ability to change the warehouse size ( ...4XLarge) to improve query performance and the maximize scaling range to add more clusters on a SQL?Endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) scale-out, if you are changing an existing warehouse you may have to restart the warehouse to make the changes effective.
How do you know how many clusters you need(How to set Max cluster size)?
When you click on an existing warehouse and select the monitoring tab, you can see warehouse utilization information(see below), there are two graphs that provide important information on how the warehouse is being utilized, if you see queries are being queued that means your warehouse can benefit from additional clusters. Please review the additional DBU?cost associated with adding clusters so you can take a well balanced decision between cost and performance.
Question 39:
You currently working with the marketing team to setup a dashboard for ad campaign analysis, since the team is not sure how often the dashboard should be refreshed they have decided to do a manual refresh on an as needed basis. Which of the following steps can be taken to reduce the overall cost of the compute when the team is not using the compute?
*Please note that Databricks recently change the name of SQL?Endpoint to SQL?Warehouses.
The answer is, They can turn on the Auto Stop feature for the SQL endpoint(SQL?Warehouse).
Use auto stop to automatically terminate the cluster when you are not using it.
Question 40:
You had worked with the Data analysts team to set up a SQL Endpoint(SQL?warehouse) point so they can easily query and analyze data in the gold layer, but once they started consuming the SQL Endpoint(SQL?warehouse)? you noticed that during the peak hours as the number of users increase you are seeing queries taking longer to finish, which of the following steps can be taken to resolve the issue?
*Please note Databricks recently renamed SQL?endpoint to SQL?warehouse.
the answer is,?
They can increase the maximum bound of the SQL endpoint’s scaling range, when you increase the maximum bound you can add more clusters to the warehouse which can then run additional queries that are waiting in the queue to run, focus on the below explanation that talks about Scale-out.
The question is looking to test your ability to know how to scale a SQL?Endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) and you have to look for cue words or need to understand if the queries are running sequentially or concurrently. if the queries are running sequentially then scale up(Size of the cluster from 2X-Small to 4X-Large) if the queries are running concurrently or with more users then scale out(add more clusters).
SQL?Endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) Overview:?(Please read all of the below points and the below diagram to understand )
Please review the below diagram to understand the above concepts:?
SQL endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) scales horizontally(scale-out) and vertical (scale-up), you have to understand when to use what.
Scale-out -> to add more clusters for a SQL endpoint, change max number of clusters
If you are trying to improve the throughput, being able to run as many queries as possible then having an additional cluster(s) will improve the performance.
Databricks SQL?automatically scales as soon as it detects queries are in queuing state, in this example scaling is set for min 1 and max 3 which means the warehouse can add three clusters if it detects queries are waiting.?
During the warehouse creation or after you have the ability to change the warehouse size ( ...4XLarge) to improve query performance and the maximize scaling range to add more clusters on a SQL?Endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) scale-out, if you are changing an existing warehouse you may have to restart the warehouse to make the changes effective.
How do you know how many clusters you need(How to set Max cluster size)?
When you click on an existing warehouse and select the monitoring tab, you can see warehouse utilization information(see below), there are two graphs that provide important information on how the warehouse is being utilized, if you see queries are being queued that means your warehouse can benefit from additional clusters. Please review the additional DBU?cost associated with adding clusters so you can take a well balanced decision between cost and performance.
Question 41:
The research team has put together a funnel analysis query to monitor the customer traffic on the e-commerce platform, the query takes about 30 mins to run on a small SQL endpoint cluster with max scaling set to 1 cluster. What steps can be taken to improve the performance of the query?
The answer is,? They can increase the cluster size anywhere from 2X-Small to 4XL(Scale Up) to review the performance and select the size that meets your SLA. If you are trying to improve the performance of a single query at a time having additional memory, additional worker nodes mean that more tasks can run in a cluster which will improve the performance of that query.
The question is looking to test your ability to know how to scale a SQL?Endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) and you have to look for cue words or need to understand if the queries are running sequentially or concurrently. if the queries are running sequentially then scale up(Size of the cluster from 2X-Small to 4X-Large) if the queries are running concurrently or with more users then scale out(add more clusters).
SQL?Endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) Overview:?(Please read all of the below points and the below diagram to understand )
Please review the below diagram to understand the above concepts:?
Scale-up-> Increase the size of the SQL endpoint, change cluster size from 2X-Small to up to 4X-Large
If you are trying to improve the performance of a single query having additional memory, additional worker nodes and cores will result in more tasks running in the cluster will ultimately improve the performance.
During the warehouse creation or after, you have the ability to change the warehouse size ( ...4XLarge) to improve query performance and the maximize scaling range to add more clusters on a SQL?Endpoint(SQL?Warehouse) scale-out if you are changing an existing warehouse you may have to restart the warehouse to make the changes effective.
Question 42:
Unity catalog simplifies managing multiple workspaces, by storing and managing permissions and ACL at _______ level
The answer is, Account Level
The classic access control list (tables, workspace, cluster) is at the workspace level, Unity catalog is at the account level and can manage all the workspaces in an Account.
Question 43:
Which of the following section in the UI can be used to manage permissions and grants to tables?
The answer is Data Explorer
Question 44:
Which of the following is not a privilege in the Unity catalog?
The Answer is DELETE and UPDATE?permissions do not exit, you have to use MODIFY?which provides both Update and Delete permissions.
Please note:?TABLE?ACL?privilege types are different from Unity Catalog privilege types, please read the question carefully.
Here is the list of all privileges in Unity Catalog:
Unity Catalog Privileges
Table ACL?privileges
Question 45:
A team member is leaving the team and he/she is currently the owner of the few tables, instead of transfering the ownership to a user you have decided to transfer the ownership to a group so in the future anyone in the group can manage the permissions rather than a single individual, which of the following commands help you accomplish this?
The answer is ALTER TABLE table_name OWNER to ‘group’