Data Analytics is shaping modern warfare
Source: Pixabay/Public Domain

Data Analytics is shaping modern warfare

U.S. Army: "Data Scientists are Key to Winning Future Conflicts"

According to the U.S. Army, "data is a weapon system" in modern warfare. The Department of Defense even has a data strategy, "In many ways, information dominance is a new arms race", according to the U.S. Army's website.

And the arms race is heating up. China knows this and has been investing heavily in AI to modernize its military. In order to win any future battle, the war in AI must first be won.

So where does analytics come in? According to the U.S. Army website, "the military’s dedication to a comprehensive analytics system, including a complete modernization of our predictive modeling and response platforms, is needed now more than ever. The DoD is currently prioritizing and resourcing these pursuits"

So if you're looking for work in one of the data roles, want to serve our country, and can get security clearance, look no further than the U.S. military. Almost every branch of the military needs data analysts and engineers. ZipRecruiter listed 52,725 data science jobs related to the military. You don't even need to be in the military to serve in these roles since military contractors do much of the work themselves.

So how's that tech war going?

The tech war is crippling China, or is it?

Despite US sanctions, Huawei is launching a new smartphone just as Apple has been banned for use by government employees within China.

US companies who have tried to play both sides of the tech war are suddenly realizing what's at stake, and some are taking action.

Microsoft recently moved its AI researchers out of China for better skies in Canada. Hooray to Microsoft for having some spine. It also took Dell guts to stop using China chips.

But some companies such as Apple are still entrenched in China. Will China ban iPhones outright on national security grounds? It remains to be seen, but if Apple and other US companies don't divest and pick a side, they're going to get their feelings hurt - among other things.


"China's tech sector poses an existential threat to America's national security", - Joel Thayer, Newsweek


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