Dashboard Reveals the Occupational Licensing Landscape by State
GL Solutions- GL Suite Software & Services
Founded by former state regulators to help government run, grow and adapt. Located in Kalispell, Mont.
Dashboard Reveals the Occupational Licensing Landscape by State
A new tool offers comprehensive occupational licensing data for all 50 states and over 100 occupations. According to the report, "policymakers and others interested in occupational licensing can assess the landscape of licensed workers in their particular states, compare with other states, and track changes over time."
Ill. Dept. of Professional Regulation’s Antiquated Licensing System Causes Severe Licensing Delays
According to testimony from the secretary of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, delays in replacing an antiquated licensing system threatens the timely licensure of many professionals. "The delays have led to many professionals, including nurses and other health care workers, as well as their employers, having to worry about their ability to keep working should their licenses lapse," testified the department’s Secretary Mario Treto, Jr. He also explained the reason for the delay.
Delivering a Citizen-Centric Digital Experience: 6 Calls to Action
A new report from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers evaluates the progress towards making digital government a reality in states since NASCIO’s first report on digital government in 2001. The report lists six calls to action for delivering an effective digital citizen experience based on feedback from CIOs.