Darkness- The True Knowing.
Once a young man defeated by the odds of life, depressed to the extent that he wanted to end the whole drama of life, attempts to kill himself several times but every time survived and had to face the cruel side of life. One day in search of inner peace he went to a shrine of a famous sage, sat there with closed eyes, in the mean while he felt a gentle hand softly touching his cheek, the young man opened his eyes and saw a old lady sitting in front of him,the old lady smiled and said you seem worried?The man asked how do you know this?She replied son this is not important that how i knew your problem, important is you must not abstain from walking in the darkness anymore, illuminate the WAY with the light of your being, do not let it remain dark by the shadow of the mind, because the mind will never let you see the way to freedom which passes through the wisdom of darkness, by saying this the old lady stood up closed her eyes, tapped the shoulder of the young man and started walking, the man also stood up in wonder asked her to stop and asked i have not understood what you said? How can darkness be full of knowing than the light?and secondly how you walk with closed eyes? The old lady stopped for a moment and replied son try to see the darkness with the light of Who You Are,not with the sunshine, you will get the answer why i said to remain in the darkness to understand how much unaware you are,and you will also understand how can i walk with my eyes closed. In the parable the words of the lady are hard to digest isnt it? But if we deeply pay attention we will understand that the words uttered by the lady are pure wisdom, the darkness she talked about is not the darkness which goes away with sun rise and comes back with sun set. It is the darkness of wisdom within, which can only be viewed with the vision of divinity,that darkness seems dark because of our unawareness of the true awareness.That darkness possesses the knowing which is beyond all knowledge.We need to be connected with the darkness and unlock the magic of eternal peace, but we become scared of the darkness due to the shadow blocking the light of our true being, that shadow is the shadow of our mind which blocks our way to the wisdom, consequently we remain unaware of the divine love and remain trapped in the clutches of mind, which all the time direct us towards material well being, which is not well being but just a illusion of well being. When we start to be ruled by the mind we keep on searching for the oddments of pleasure,just to satisfy ourselves that we have achieved something to be acknowledged. But we go to far away from the joy of divine knowing, and remain poor and our poverty keeps on increasing every day despite having material wealth, because the slavery of mind keeps us unaware of the enormous treasure hidden in the darkness within us which not only include what we already have but a limitless wealth of knowing which this small world can not offer. The compulsive commands of the mind keeps on blocking the light because the ego wants it this way. Some scientists say that 95% of the universe is not discovered yet some say 97% but in fact they know nothing about the universe 99.99% of the universe is yet to be discovered and the rest is all dark wisdom. For understanding that dark wisdom we do not need a telescope made through the illusive perception of mind we will never reach anywhere and will never be peaceful. For knowing the unknown we need the stop the activity of our mind and let the light guide us into the darkness and know the unknown. Dont be afraid of the darkness within just drift in the darkness without any thought, dont judge anything there just be a witness and remember do not take your mind there it will make your journey dreadful. Darkness is simply freedom.
Blessings for all.
Philanthropist and Holistic life coach.
5 年Stay blessed everyone.
Philanthropist and Holistic life coach.
7 年Thank you stay blessed
Philanthropist and Holistic life coach.
7 年Thank God Ursula Maritz stay blessed.
Philanthropist and Holistic life coach.
8 年Thanks Ursula Maritz blessings and peace.