Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
August 11 - Darkness - Rev 16:10-11
Vs 10-11 – This bowl judgment is directed at the throne and dominion of the beast. It is directed about his power, authority and rule. The kingdom of the beast like ancient Egypt is plunged into darkness. This has both a spiritual and physical connection. Satan who is the prince of darkness and evil plunges mankind into darkness so is the physical kingdom of the beast in darkness. They are evil, corrupt and destructive. They are blind, deaf and dumb to the things of God. They have only one voice and ruler. He has deceived them and they are evil in heart and intent. The Judgment of God only reflect their heart and nature. The people then face a second judgment of painful sores. This judgment has physical and spiritual parts to it. They are in intense agony.
Once again they curse the God of heaven. He is more than a curse word here. He is the object of their hatred, scorn and mockery. They blame him but they refuse to repent of what they have done. This is classic deflection. Blame someone else for what you have done. Refuse to accept responsibility. This is also the last time the book of Revelation speaks of people refusing to repent. This judgment also has more to do with demon possession than physical pain. The kingdom of the antichrist is a place of total domination, control and possession of its inhabitants by the demons of darkness.Darkness