The Dark Revelation

The Dark Revelation

[for a bit of context, here are the two channeled messages back from back 2013 that I could dig out that talks about the Lightworkers who volunteered to serve as a reptilian (archon -non-physical dark beings that could manifest in nightmarish forms, move through astral, invade bodies, dreams, manifest as skinwalkers, wendgo's etc) hosts]

- Removing Dark Entities Within -

Greetings, Dear Ones, we are pleased to give you the latest news about your planet's progress. We are aware that we have a very different view from yours. On the ground, you are struggling with Darkness in every quarter - the forces of Darkness have fought back with ferocious energy as you have raised the vibrational levels steadily. You have courageously continued to march forward, doing the work you have chosen, bringing Light into the lives of others no matter how difficult it has been.

Some of you have been attacked from many sides, but the attacks are lessening, as you approach the victory of reclaiming your dear planet from the Dark Forces. It was your destiny as Lightworkers in the battle for the transition into the Light on behalf of the human race on Gaia, to place yourselves in the path of the Dark Ones in order to lead your soul Brothers and Sisters to a better future. You have tipped the balance, our Angels in human garb, with the help of your Masters and Guides who have tirelessly worked to support you even when it looked hopeless.

Our dear Jesus Sananda is there for you, healing hearts, easing the minds of exhausted Lightworkers, helping you to make contact with one another as you bring you Light to the most difficult corners of the globe, rescuing children from the clutches of abusers, healing sickness where medical care is lacking, teaching literacy and independence in the face of regressive religious lash-back. Everywhere you have raised your efforts, sacrificing your own comfort and your financial security. At the same time, the Dark Ones have become desperate, irrational, frantic to do anything they can to hold on to their power, but they have only made themselves look more and more ridiculous in their promotion of evil programs, suppressive activities, and disregard of humanitarian values.

There are some among you who have learned to defeat the Dark Entities directly by cooperating with Ascended Masters and Angels. It is possible, Dear Ones, to remove the Dark Entities from their hiding places inside the bodies of those who have been invaded by their presence. They have found a safe harbor inside many who have suffered from what may appear to you on the ground as bipolar disorder, or irrational and erratic behavior. This affliction has been treated in your current era with criminal prosecution of the innocent host, and massive drugging by the psychiatric Powers That Be. In an effort to appear "scientific" you have denied the reality that Dark Entities are indeed capable of taking up residence within the body of an unsuspecting host. This happens most often at times when the person who has been targeted is in a vulnerable state of emotional trauma, drug addiction, or despair.

The invading Dark Entity, usually the soul of a Fallen Angel, is able to hide from detection because your culture no longer accepts the idea of "possession." You have thrown out the cure with the old superstitions about black magic. There is nothing magic about the process, but it is very real. Some among you, your dear channel included, who have been taught how to remove these entities in order to free the host, at last, to reclaim their peace of mind and happiness. The process is straight-forward, and can be done without undue drama, casting of spells, or other extraordinary measures.

We are asking Kathryn now to work with us to develop a straight-forward description of the process she uses, which others have also discovered in the process of their healing work. We wish to reassure you that it is not only possible to defeat these internally-dwelling Dark Ones, but to do it quickly, permanently, and to dispatch them back to Us, where we can at last welcome them into the Light. For some of them, it is the first time in eons that they have participated in the Karmic review, and the experience of Unconditional Love which can heal and change them. They have sustained their belief in the power of evil by never experiencing the Love and Light of our higher dimensions. This will not be allowed to continue. For every soul returned to the Light, a soul is recovered, "saved" as you might call it, and in the process, the innocent victims of these misguided misery-mongering Fallen Ones are also rescued.

Let us explain the truth of these dynamics, which may sound too "far out" for you to comprehend. It has been a common practice for some Dark Ones, when they are reluctant to return to the Light after death of their bodies to "reincarnate" by hitching a ride within the bodies of hosts, who are sometimes aware before their return for this lifetime that they will be of service in this way - by offering themselves as vessels, to spare others who might be completely overtaken by the Dark Ones who might then have performed any number of destructive and murderous acts. These heroic souls are Lightworkers in disguise. They are most often seen as mentally ill, or if the Dark Entity gains ascendance, criminally insane. They are in fact the ones who have spared the rest of you the torment of living with another personality, another soul force, inside your body. It is now the time of release, of freeing each of you from your long-suffering sacrifice. This was part of the agreement when these courageous souls took on this burden in service to humankind.

The process of removing the Dark Entities safely, insuring that they are not simply released to prey on others, is to work with Jesus and his team of healers, who then have the power, with the host's permission, to overcome and finally to escort the Dark Entity or Entities to the Light. It is a joint effort, always involving the presence of one or more incarnate Lightworkers, who carry the role of identifying the host, teaching about the process in such a way that the host soul will be prepared for the process and the important healing which is required afterward. This prevents the re-entry of other Dark Entities who might now be looking for a safe haven. It is most important for the host to understand that the removal of their tormentor is permanent and non-negotiable. No captured Entity is ever allowed to return to cause suffering, but the victim must learn to fill themselves up with themselves - literally re-establish their ownership and possession of their own bodies, their unique Self in command.

Here is a brief description of the symptoms the host experiences in the throes of possession by a Dark Entity. They commonly complain that their unfriendly or destructive actions and feelings are "not me" but they feel frustratingly unable to change or control themselves. Psychiatric drugs may have dulled the suffering a bit, making the person more vegetable-like, but do not remove the Dark Entity, and in fact reduce the host's ability to fight against it. This has been one of their favorite techniques to overtake Lightworkers and stop them in their ability to do their good works. A second symptom that an individual is afflicted by very extreme fluctuations in personality traits - they shift from gentle, generous, kind and loving to vicious, with nothing in between. When they gain ascendency over the Dark One by the power of their own soul strength, they will tell you how sorry they are, how mortified by their own behavior they feel, and how powerless they are to control their own outbursts. This is true, but it is also important for the friends and relatives of the one who still harbors the Dark One to understand that they are in danger as long as the Entity remains within.

It sometimes requires an expert eye to detect the difference between a Dark Entity incarnated on Earth - those you have called psychopaths and sociopaths, the ones Kathryn writes about in her book - and a Light soul who has been taken over and is living in tandem with the Dark energy. We ask you to read our book to educate yourselves so that you are able to look into the eyes of your loved ones, friends and acquaintances who suffer, and become the army of Lightworkers who bring these people to help, or who can be trained to perform these deeply meaningful and life-saving rituals yourselves.

Do not picture cult-like magic ceremonies, or huge gatherings of screaming and fainting, strangely-garbed participants. None of this is necessary or advisable. It is a process which can only be performed by individuals of deep Faith who are able to suspend ego in order to offer their services without fanfare or drama. It is a process which would be appropriately performed by psychologists, clinical social workers and other highly-skilled psychotherapists as a part of their healing work, since they are the ones best trained to identify the differences described above. However, the skill of reliable identification is not based in academic training but in empathy and heart-centered willingness to be objective, and above all, to selflessly be of service to others.

With this in mind, we are asking Kathryn to add yet another assignment to her duties, to go out across the country to offer workshops which will combine the Visual Centering techniques, which are a powerful healing and recovery tool for the newly-freed victims of indwelling Dark Ones, with experiential training in the Entity-removal process, so that many of you can become more effective healers yourselves, and so that you can bring your family members and friends to be healed.

We will work with Kathryn to create a schedule of workshops in much-needed areas of the world, and she will work with you to arrange these events. Please be aware that she will no longer be able to respond, as she has gladly done in the past, to your lengthy personal requests for advice and emotional support. Her work of answering individual emails will need to be reduced in order to free her to reach larger groups. Join in the process of learning with her by listening to our radio show, by helping to arrange workshops and conferences, and in the process, your questions will be answered and your needs fulfilled. You may want to re-read this before you ask specific questions.

We will be with you in everything you do, Dear Children, and will appear to you in your dreams and in all your waking hours if you only open your hearts and minds to join with us as we walk the Path of Light,

Your Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May, March 30, 2013, 6 AM.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Mother God Tells of the Reptilians who Lived Among and Within Us -

It is very difficult for us to speak of the dissolution of the Reptilians who did not agree to come to the Light, to come back Home to us.

They were our children, all, and we loved them with all our hearts. It is a very sad time for us. We are in deep mourning as a result of their decision to be returned to Source rather than being restored to the loving, creative beings they were born to be.

The Reptilian race was an ancient creation, born in the Orion star system long ago. They are powerful beings in their ability to feel deeply, as we do. Their qualities are indeed an important part of your human make-up; there has been some combining of your genetic qualities.

Many of those who refused to be restored to wholeness, to have their DNA reactivated and restored to the state they were intended to be when they were first created, were the original children of Orion. They were ancient souls, by your standards, the children of our hearts.

I am Mother God, and I gave birth to these Ones, just as I gave birth to all of you, my precious children. It was our greatest hope that you, our powerful Creator Race, would be able to not only defeat the Reptilians in your midst, but to also show them the way to the Light. You did succeed in preserving many of those who tried to take you over, to inhabit your bodies.

Many of you who came to this life with the burden of carrying a Reptilian entity within your bodies did so as a great sacrifice. It was you who were able to provide the atmosphere of Love and Light which worked on them, little by little. As you were able to sustain yourselves in spite of their dark and destructive actions, your influence on them was felt. Gradually, as the energies rose on the planet and you became stronger and more able to withstand their interference in your thinking and actions, they began to change. Your strength literally flowed through their beings, because they were attached to you in a symbiotic way that caused them to feel what you felt, and it worked to begin the process of reactivating their original DNA.

And so, many of the Reptilian children who had been lost to us were returned in the historic ceremony in which 999,000 passed through the gateway which Gabriella and Lucifer created to receive them. It was a moment of great joy and great pain for us. Of course we had hoped to save them all. Your great work during this lifetime made this possible. We will explain to you what your part was, and how you became the rescuers for these ones, your brothers and sisters who had gone to the Dark.

This last effort to rescue as many as possible was agreed to in our Councils with you and with Prime Creator long ago. It was a complex plan, because it involved a two-fold effort. The Reptilians had to be convinced that their most powerful intervention would be to directly inhabit the bodies of humankind, rather than use their influence to bribe, threaten, manipulate and generally gain influence over you by violent means, externally applied. You are familiar with their assassinations and torture skills. They had been able to infiltrate governments around the world with their mind-control techniques and what you call black-ops systems to an enormous degree.

As you know, the systems of banking and finance had been completely corrupted by their philosophy of greed and self-interest, which was promoted as "freedom of the individual" and defined as honorable self-reliance and independence. It was in fact, the evil agenda in fancy dress. Their power had spread through secret societies and closely-controlled interbreeding within the powerful families who maintained their hold on their power by any means available to them; their preferred methods were torture and assassination.

Our dear St. Germain incarnated over a long period to try to dilute their influence and to lay the groundwork for the events which are evolving now. He established the society which began as the Freemasons. It was a powerful force for good in its early years, including many of the Founding Fathers who worked to establish democracy in America. Unfortunately, it was eventually co-opted by the ones you call Illuminati. We do not use this term because it implies Light; we prefer to refer to them as the Dark Hats. You are also familiar with another of their Dark organizations called the Mafia, or Cosa Nostra, which infiltrated businesses and political organizations across the globe from the ground up.

Their power had spread to such a degree that it looked as if the entire political system in the U.S. and across the Western World was at the point of entirely succumbing to their influence, and the East was falling into their grasp through financial maneuvering and the influence of multinational corporations. Something had to be done to not only rescue the planet from their grip, but to also make one last attempt to rescue those of the Reptilians who would agree to leave the evil power structure and come to the Light. And so our plan was agreed to, to make one last effort as Mother Earth fulfilled her own destiny to ascend to higher dimensions.

It was then determined that the only way to stop the march of the Reptilians to take over the world would be to convince them that there was a brilliant means of conquering those Lightworkers who had directly opposed them for generations. That would be to infiltrate their ranks by inhabiting their bodies in large numbers and thereby weaken the ones who were their greatest threat. It was a technique they had used in the past, but never enmass. It remained to convince the Reptilian leaders that this was the reason they had not yet completely succeeded.

And so it was decided that the idea would be implanted in the minds of the most powerful Reptilians, and representatives of the Light would be sent in disguise to promote the plan. This was a complex operation in itself, which will all be revealed to you when you raise your consciousness to higher dimensions where you can study the historical records of all the history of your planet and the Cosmos as well. For now, you can compare it to the cloak and dagger action movies you are so fond of, and know it was even more complex and intricate than The Matrix.

Eventually it was successful, and the Reptilian leaders began assigning their minions to inhabit the bodies of incarnating humans. The great wave of Reptilian inhabitation began after the turn of the 20th Century, and steadily increased until August 22, 2013, at which time every last one of the Reptilians were removed from the planet.

The Reptilian invasion of human bodies was a success, but not for the Reptilians. It caused an awakening in those who were experiencing the emotions and thought processes of the human they inhabited. You see, it did have the effect we predicted. Our Earth Children were far stronger, far more resolute and solid than the ones who had redesigned their genetic program. They thought that by removing their capacity to love and to care, they would be stronger. They were completely wrong. It is the wondrous ability to love which is the great strength of humankind.

It was astonishing to the Reptilians who were trying to "possess" their human hosts that they could not defeat you. They certainly tried. It was a battle for the souls, the hearts and minds of both the host and the invader. The wondrous thing was that neither was aware of this. From the human point of view, it was a struggle to maintain balance, to keep going in spite of illness, fatigue, deep feelings of malaise, anxiety, and even despair. For the Reptilian, it was a battle they had never expected - the gradual awakening of feelings they had great disdain for.

The great irony of this process was that the Reptilians found themselves in a place in their own culture which is similar to the discomfort many of you feel because of your greater sensitivity, your greater awareness of the feelings of those around you and your dedication to doing good work in service to others. You are exceptional in your hard-nosed, competitive and extremely superficial culture - that culture which has been founded predominantly on Reptilian attitudes and beliefs. And so, like you, they found themselves unable to tell their friends and family about the stirrings of their hearts.

Now it is time for the unfolding of a new way of thinking, a new way of organizing your lives. Those among you who are the planners, the organizers and the designers will flourish. Your skills will be needed in so many ways, as you work together to establish your new structures to care and guide your more evolved ways of living. Teachers will be able to teach what they love, and testing and grading will be a thing of the past. Children will learn the Socratic method from birth on, and the free exchange of information will excite and elevate all curious minds.

The gardeners and farmers will find new ways to enjoy the creation of glorious landscapes, without the arduous toil you are used to. Inventors and scientists will have a field day working on new technologies to make life gloriously comfortable and fulfilling. Mathematicians, physicists and astronomers will find their minds expanding to take in astonishing new concepts, where even the sky is not the limit.

It is possible, Beloved Ones, to live at peace with each other and with your dear Mother Earth. You will return to the Eden of old, and you will find yourselves wiser, more loving and stronger than ever before. Most of the troublesome feelings and conflicts you experienced in the past will fade, as greater and greater numbers of you begin to discover your true nature as the Creator Race. It will be a great relief and pleasure to you to learn how easy it is to be light-hearted, once the grinding Darkness is removed from your daily lives.

You are approaching your Graduation Day. We have called it Ascension, but it is truly a graduation from the old 3-dimensional life you have known to a wondrously Light and Loving experience unlike anything you have known in this incarnation. There is a lovely September Song with the words, "Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few, September, November...And these few precious days I'll spend with you, these precious days I'll spend with you..."

Enjoy your days, Dear Ones. It is your preparation for what is ahead,

Your Mother God

Via Kathryn E. May, August 29, 2013, 12 PM. EDT

Listen to the recording of Mother God and Prince Reginald, leader of the Reptilian forces, as they tell the story in their own words, at, August 28, 2013.


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