Dark Mode in Android: Why It Matters and How to Implement It the Right Way

Dark Mode in Android: Why It Matters and How to Implement It the Right Way

At Quash, we’re passionate about helping developers build apps that don’t just work but shine. Features like Dark Mode aren’t just about aesthetics—they’re about creating better user experiences, improving app performance, and optimizing for user needs.

Implementing Dark Mode the right way ensures your app stays modern, accessible, and energy-efficient. To help you understand this feature and its correct implementation, here’s a beginner-friendly guide packed with examples, code snippets, and clear explanations.

Here’s the revised version, incorporating Quash and making it highly user-friendly with detailed snippets and examples:

Why Is Dark Mode Important?

Dark Mode isn’t just a trend—it’s a necessity:

  • User Experience: Adapts to low-light environments, reducing eye strain.
  • Battery Optimization: Saves power on OLED screens by using darker colors.
  • Modern Design: Apps that support Dark Mode feel more up-to-date and user-focused.

If you’re new to this, don’t worry! This guide is crafted to walk you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Setting Up Themes for Light and Dark Modes

Themes define your app’s look and feel. To support Dark Mode, you need separate themes for light and dark modes.

Define Your Light Theme

Start with your themes.xml in the res/values/ folder:

<!-- res/values/themes.xml -->  
<style name="Theme.MyApp" parent="Theme.Material3.DayNight">  
    <!-- Light mode colors -->  
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/light_primary</item>  
    <item name="colorOnPrimary">@color/light_on_primary</item>  
    <item name="colorBackground">@color/light_background</item>  
    <item name="colorOnBackground">@color/light_on_background</item>  

Define Your Dark Theme

Create a themes.xml file in res/values-night/ for dark mode-specific colors:

<!-- res/values-night/themes.xml -->  
<style name="Theme.MyApp" parent="Theme.Material3.DayNight">  

    <!-- Dark mode colors -->  
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/dark_primary</item>  
    <item name="colorOnPrimary">@color/dark_on_primary</item>  
    <item name="colorBackground">@color/dark_background</item>  
    <item name="colorOnBackground">@color/dark_on_background</item>  

?? Pro Tip: Use accessible color contrasts for text and backgrounds. Tools like Material Design’s Color Tool can help.

Step 2: Respect System Settings

Users expect apps to follow their system preferences. Let’s make your app switch between light and dark modes automatically.

Add this to your MainActivity:

import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate  

// Follow system-wide theme settings  

This makes your app adapt seamlessly to the user’s device settings without any manual toggles.

Step 3: Adding a Manual Theme Toggle

Sometimes users like control. Adding a switch in your app allows them to manually toggle between light and dark modes.

Step 3.1: Add a Switch to Your Layout

Here’s how you can add a theme toggle to your layout:

<!-- res/layout/activity_main.xml -->  
    android:text="Enable Dark Mode" />  

Step 3.2: Implement Toggle Logic

Now, let’s handle the toggle functionality in MainActivity:

import android.widget.Switch  
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity  
import android.os.Bundle  
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate  

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {  
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {  

        // Reference to the Switch  
        val themeSwitch = findViewById<Switch>(R.id.themeSwitch)  

        // Set listener for toggle  
        themeSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, isChecked ->  
            if (isChecked) {  
                // Enable Dark Mode  
            } else {  
                // Enable Light Mode  

Step 4: Testing Your App

Before releasing your app, make sure it looks great in both light and dark modes. Here’s how:

  1. Use Android Studio Preview to test layouts in light and dark modes.
  2. Check all screens for text readability and consistent colors.
  3. Ensure custom views adapt correctly to both themes.

Example: Define colors for a TextView to ensure adaptability:

    android:text="Hello, Dark Mode!"  
    android:background="?attr/colorBackground" />  

?? Pro Tip: Test on real devices with Dark Mode enabled to catch edge cases.

Why This Matters

At Quash, we believe building great apps goes beyond just functionality—it’s about crafting experiences that delight users and make them keep coming back. Features like Dark Mode aren’t just a checkbox on a feature list; they’re a way to show users you care about their comfort, preferences, and battery life.

By implementing Dark Mode the right way, you not only enhance user satisfaction but also optimize your app’s performance for the long haul.

Now that you have the steps, it’s time to bring this feature to life in your app! If you have any questions or run into challenges, drop a comment or reach out—we’re here to help you create apps your users will truly love.



