Nature's Dark Mirror, 2.0
Boston Dynamics retiring the hydraulic HD Atlas robot for an electric battery model, is about as sad as when I had to return my pet pika back to a nearby pine forrest. He had been behaving so strangely since the solar eclipse on April 8th, that I felt there would be no other remedy than to allow him to adhere to the "call of the wild." And, alas, I now wander stranded on a Cascadian mountain ridge, in a freezing rain storm, with not but two wet matches to battle the cold. No robots to lift my gear, and no animal guides. My phone's battery still has juice, thanks to a few portable charger packs; but I’m roaming desperately for a GPS signal, before the twilight brings the brown bears out to feed. I’m Skywalker on "Dagobah," and Yoda’s force ghost is being suppressed by Sith guided high wattage Imperial lasers, plus or minus the phantom signal of Will Ferrell & Norm McDonald’s "Celebrity Jeopardy" lost tapings. How will I dislodge my X-Wing from the swampy vines.
Maybe it wasn’t the solar eclipse, itself, that irked the pika’s nesting instinct. Maybe it was just the contrast of the eclipse, that illuminated a shower of cosmic rays that have been falling on us all, for aeons. Single Action Events that notch us up on the tree of life, one totem at a time. Whatever zapped those lumps of proteins in a murky puddle of ammonia, into our ancestors as low-entropy microorganisms, swimming with cellular purposes, and concealed by fatty walls— that could be the same cosmic catalyst that provokes gibbons to wryly call their their mates, in a way that they haven’t in decades. Or eagles to glide at half-speed for no apparent reason. The strange animal behavior observed during eclipses has something to do with tidal forces and photon reception, of course-- but it may have a more surreptitious effect, in line with the extra sensory lift of consciousness temporarily acquired from looking through Nature’s Dark Mirror.
Knowing that we will update, excess cortisol pumps into our cells and the nucleotides in our DNA become polymorphic enantiomers. We look the same, but our chirality is switched for its closest kin. Do the chemicals inside of us warp and un-warp like the spacetime surrounding the celestial bodies, moving at the speed of gravity, aka the speed of light? Like a spinning mandarin orange in a magic blackberry jello. The SAEs that mutate our cell centers via SNPs, may be visible to us during eclipses through the subliminal, static effect of re-fleshing. Changing our sleeves for a newer set of Emperor’s Robes.
The journey to the beyond, which converted us into modern humans, can’t be separated from the consciousness of said journey. And so, the von Neumann-Wigner interpretation of quantum mechanics is thusly impressed upon our malleable psyches? We are what we see we are, and say we are. Probability waves collapse upon "our" unique observation. An observation, which, under special circumstances of cosmic alignment converts us into newly evolved, stellar-trekking critters. Once we, and the event, both know we're updating, and not absolutely until then...we update. I can’t be sure, I’m only an internet pseudo sophist, but this 21st century rocket flight that we’re all collectively experiencing may have officially begun during the rule of King Antiochus III, Mar 14, 190 BCE.
On such date, natural philosopher, Hipparchus of Nicaea (referencing algorithms from Babylonian System B) measured the distance from the earth to the moon. He performed this feat, using a trigonometric displacement factor, that compared the amount of total solar coverage, during the same event, at two entirely different locations in the Hellenistic world. "Can you hear me, now, and... now also?" Today, satellites are synchronized using navigational mathematics developed as a sequitur to Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, which was partially confirmed by observations of gravitational lensing during the solar eclipse of May 29, 1919. It may be the harmonic ringing of the orbital clocks that propels us, but it is only in their absence that our minds gain light.
No matches no problem. I recovered two bars and called my cell phone carrier to bury my 5G for 6G AI coverage. I’ll youtube “How to Build a Fire.” Two sticks to make an ember. Two protons to go nuclear. Two fixed barriers to capture a quantum wave oscillation. I don’t need Atlas to move the world. I’m receiving man-made muons directly from the Verizon satellite. I’m a 21st century cyborg telekinetic mutate, and I have many miles before I sleep. May the Force… and already with you.
Letters by LX, Colors by whiskE.