And the hits just keep coming folks. In the last week Wikki leaks along with information disclosed in the Federal lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch reveal- the lead F.B.I. investigator in charge of investigating Hillary Clintons violation of Federal law involving the communication of top secret and sensitive government information wife received a half a million dollars in campaign contributions from none other than the Clintons. Second, it is now very likely President Obama lied to the American public about when and what he knew of Clinton s reckless practices. More sinister is it appears likely President Obama had his own motive for lying to the American public. Facts point to him personally communicating to Hillary Clinton ie sending and receiving information , with knowledge that this was accomplished visa vie her private , unsecured server. Now just breaking today, THE F.B.I. IS REOPENING ITS INVESTIGATION OF HILLARY CLINTON VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW REGARDING THE COMMUNICATION OF TOP SECRET AND SENSITIVE GOVERNMENT INFORMATION. WOW ! As I wrote in an earlier post , there is NO DOUBT in my mind, premised on my experience, what I have watched, heard, and followed that Hillary Clinton has violated Federal Criminal Law Statutes.  My great concern for justice, the law, the rule of law, the Constitution, and our institutions as Clinton and government corruption permeates the same was identified in my earlier post. The Clinton law breaking, and corruption is the single most important issue in this election cycle along with the appearance of impropriety and political corruption related to the investigation now leading directly to the Obama Administration. I have stated in earlier posts, the FBI Director at his press conference stated that the Bureau investigation had concluded that Clinton had acted with gross negligence in her handling and transfering sensitive government communications. Violation of the Federal Criminal Statutes does not require intent, only recklessness which is extremely difficult to distinguish or differentiate from a gross negligence standard. Again folks all the facts and evidence already was there. Clinton again, as throughout her sordid and corrupt history, violated criminal statutes and lied regarding the same to the FBI, Congress, and sadly to - The American people. Clinton is going down. Its just a matter of time. THE DARK LEGACY AND HISTORY OF THE CLINTONS- THE HITS JUST KEEP COMING !  I will not vote for Clinton. I urgently counsel those of you considering her , to pause , reflect, and reject her .  MARK HURRICANE HOAK. CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY.


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