Dark Goddess Mysteries Remembered + Reawakened

Dark Goddess Mysteries Remembered + Reawakened

The growing “trend" of women fascinated by the occult, magic, Shamanism, the healing arts is nothing new.

Women throughout the ages have been intuitive, emotional , aligned the cycles of nature, The Moon, menstruation. Many first experienced God as female. She Who Gives Birth to Herself. Some might call Her “The Big Bang”, the origins of all known and unknown universes

Women understood the dark, Dreams, the irrational, deep emotion, grief, initiation, knowing how to heal The Dark Goddess taught us to love and integrate our Shadow, the denied, mysterious parts of ourselves, instead of fearing it.

Females drawn to these arts are having a deeply shared ancestral memory, or re-awakening of when God was a Woman. We were Her priestesses, Shamans, midwives, worked with Blood Mysteries, Serpent Magic and many other sources of secret and sacred knowledge.

It was in approximately and metaphorically, 1,600 B.C. that the Gods of Mt. Olympus began to intentionally take away and subvert the power of the Dark Goddess who was worshipped world wide as early as 30,000 BC. This knowledge is based in Upper Paleolithic pottery, and cave paintings and extensive archeological discoveries. This displacement and subversion of the Dark Goddess was the original wound all women and men who honor Goddess lineage feel.

The wound is deep and spans centuries and millennia.

Civilizations see shifts in mythology , culture and history from Dark Goddess Mysteries , when God was a Woman, to a major enforced rewriting of ancient known stories and myths. The intentional take over by male Gods who reassign the roles of sovereign Dark Goddesses : Sovereign Shamanic Nature Goddess Artemis who taught mysteries of death and rebirth became a solitary tom boy. Hestia, a powerful Fire and Volcano Goddess became spinster aunt who kept fires within the home and civic buildings burning,

Aphrodite became a vengeful beautiful Goddesses who drove men mad with her beauty. She is also known as the

middle Eastern warrior Goddess Ishtar and Innana, also known for her beauty, and erotic magnetism like Aphrodite.

She initiated men in to sacred sexual rights to activate their Kundalini so they could have direct contact with the Cosmos and Stars. She was warrior Goddess who fiercely championed and protected Dark Goddess Mysteries. She practiced feminine magic and transformation.

There are infinite other Goddesses from all cultures and civilizations, whose sovereign power was taken systematically and redefined according to the new power roles decided by men. These newly defined roles supported the emerging male power structure separate from feminine mystery and power. The Dark Goddess has always existed and will always exist. She may have become more chthonic, or associated Dark Matter and deepest night , and the Underworld of Hecatae and Persephone. Her mysteries and knowledge continue in many forms with infinite names and expressions.

The Dark Goddess’ mysteries were re-written and changed to become the future blueprint. They were re-written and accepted as truth, to be repeated and re-written as history, mythology, literature , art , theatre, film. This new construct became history as repeated over hundreds and thousands of years. The loss of Dark Goddess Mystery became the loss of ancient systems, symbols and knowledge.

These lineages of magic that are now being remembered and practiced by women (and men) are finding access to their own talents and gifts they knew before.

Many numbers of women today are healing ancient wounds while bringing lost knowledge back into consciousness. We are remembering knowledge known before. We are remembering our Source.

Ancient lost lineages were the original forms of Goddess Mysteries that are re-emerging because this deep non linear ancient knowledge is needed for all people to remember and experience. Because of the depth and complexity

of these protected secrets and mysteries, it will be hard for current linear analytical modalities to understand the power of this knowledge.

Women are wide open to receiving ancestral sources of the power of crystals, astrology, the occult and spells,

magic, being a midwife, psychopomp, Spirit contact and many original sources. The truth is all people have the ability to access this knowledge. All it takes is curiosity and freedom from fear.

As people become more aware of and desire this awareness, they are seeking more complex forms of knowledge that current systems can't answer.

It is so clear that this is one aspect of what appears to be a trend, but really, everything comes full circle in the dance of human experience. Ancient knowledge becomes new and trendy. Women heal ancestral wounds and human consciousness expands, light becomes brighter. We can receive deeper knowledge.

Melissa Waite Stamps is a professional certified Feng Shui practitioner and Interior Design stylist

She is also a professional certified Intuitive and Medium who works with private clients, teaches classes and workshops and help others develop their intuitive talents and gifts and reconnect to the Mysteries of the Dark Goddess.

Melissa Waite Stamps

Transformation & Design, LLC.



201 865 3823


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