September 20, 2020 — Hollywood, California — The arts, entertainment & business magazine, DARIA!, has been published.
Daria Trifu, its founder and Editor-in-Chief, had this to say: “Since launching the magazine in 2005, this is our biggest issue ever, with 136 pages. The aim of this publication is to influence the opinion of those who have power, desire and will to change the world for the better, by engaging them on the topics, the people and the films featured on its pages.”
The magazine is available on-line, in an easy to read format, here:
(Direct Link: https://issuu.com/dariamagazine/docs/daria_2020)
In two exclusive articles for this issue of Daria!, film director Bruno Pischiutta interviews the internationally awarded production designer Davide De Stefano (page 20), and former Plenipotentiary Romanian Ambassador to Cuba, Dr. Dumitru Preda, pays tribute to his friend, Cuban historian Eusebio Leal, best known as the ‘Father of Havana’, on the eve of his passing (page 14).
The magazine also features articles about music Maestro Jay “Blue Jay” Jourden (page 11), and contemporary Italian painter Albertino Spina (page 7).
Starting on page 31, “we present each of the 66 films from 30 countries that were selected in competition at this year’s Global Nonviolent Film Festival, that takes place on-line.
The viewers can watch the full-length films, their trailers, and the daily video presentations from September 24 to October 4 at www.globalnonviolentfilmfestival.com”, says Daria Trifu.
DARIA! Magazine