Dare to talk about money?! 敢談錢,才能讓別人真正看見你的時間價值
My personal time isn’t “free.” It holds value, not just because it’s mine, but because it’s what allows me to recharge and stay at my best.我的私人時間不是「空閒時間」。它有價值,不只是因為它屬於我,更因為它讓我有時間充電,保持最佳狀態。
The Art of Negotiating Fair Compensation 如何談判公平的報酬
It took me 17 years to truly understand something that might seem obvious: talking about money is essential. At first, I avoided these conversations because they felt awkward, like discussing money would somehow cheapen my work. I thought great results would speak for themselves, and recognition would naturally follow.
But here’s the problem: avoiding money conversations leads to undervaluing yourself. Over time, I realized that this mindset often resulted in sacrificing my personal time and not properly compensating the effort I put into my work.
Why Talking About Money Is So Important 為什麼談錢如此重要
Talking about money isn’t just about the numbers—it’s about ensuring that your time and effort are recognized. Your time is valuable, and when you avoid the conversation, you risk being taken for granted. The sooner you realize that discussing compensation is a vital part of setting professional boundaries, the better equipped you’ll be to advocate for yourself.
Setting Boundaries & Talking About Money 設立界線與談錢
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is how crucial it is to set boundaries, especially when it comes to your time. If you want people to respect your time and effort, you need to communicate its value—and that includes talking about money.
For me, it meant being clear about one thing: my personal time isn’t “free.” It holds value, not just because it’s mine, but because it’s what allows me to recharge and stay at my best. Anything that valuable deserves to be exchanged in a fair and respectful way.
Making Tough Choices 做出艱難的選擇
Imagine being asked to teach a class late on a weekend evening. Agreeing to this means giving up time with family or a chance to recharge for the week ahead. It might even feel like unpaid overtime.
In moments like these, you have to make a choice: Will you accept the arrangement, or will you set boundaries? If you choose to say yes, it’s fair to ask for higher compensation. These hours aren’t the same as regular working hours—they demand more from you, and it’s only right to reflect that in the value of the arrangement.
Respect Your Time 尊重自己的時間
What I’ve learned is this: it’s not just about the money—it’s about making sure your time and effort are valued. Money is simply a tool to communicate that value. When you approach these conversations with confidence and clarity, you’re not just negotiating; you’re showing others that your time matters. And when you respect your time, others will, too.
Speak with Clarity: Sample Phrases 清楚表達:實用句子範例
When discussing your time and its value, the key is to stay professional, concise, and confident. Here are a few phrases you can adapt to your own style:
1. Setting the stage for negotiation
I’d like to discuss how we can fairly compensate for this additional time commitment, given its impact on my personal schedule. 我希望我們能討論一個合理的報酬方案,畢竟這會影響到我的私人時間安排。
2. Highlighting the value of your time
This timeframe is important to me, so I’d like to ensure it’s reflected in the agreement. 這段時間對我來說很重要,所以我希望這能在我們的協議中有所體現。
3. Acknowledging unconventional hours
Since this request falls outside typical working hours, I’d like to explore a compensation plan that reflects the extra effort involved. 因為這個需求是在正常工作時間之外,我希望我們能討論一個能反映額外付出的報酬方案。」
4. Reinforcing respect for time
To ensure both sides feel this arrangement is mutually beneficial, let’s align on a structure that values the time invested. 為了確保這次合作對雙方都是互利的,我們可以一起討論一個能充分反映投入時間價值的方案。
5. Politely declining without undervaluing yourself
While I appreciate the opportunity, I’m unable to commit to this timeframe without a structure that fully reflects its value. 雖然我很感謝這個機會,但如果這段時間的價值沒有被充分反映,我可能無法答應。
To my LinkedIn network: Have you faced similar situations where you had to stand up for the value of your time? How did you handle it? I’d love to hear your stories in the comments below!
給我的 LinkedIn 夥伴們:你是否也遇過類似的情況,需要為自己的時間價值據理力爭?你是怎麼處理的?歡迎在評論區分享你的故事!