Dare to Be Kind: Who's in for a Week of Micro-Kindness?

Dare to Be Kind: Who's in for a Week of Micro-Kindness?

“I would rather you make mistakes in kindness and compassion rather than work miracles in unkindness and hardness" – Mother Theresa        

The world is in a kindness emergency with rampant wars, increasing acts of violence, greater deprivation, and an increasingly higher sense of selfishness. We need to start now to turn things around and make the world kinder, more equitable for everyone. TALGiving is on a mission to do just that. In this blog, we delve into practical ways to spread kindness and build a kinder world.?

How to Spread Kindness in the World??

As human beings, we are not naturally programmed to be kind without any benefit/ ulterior motive. Consciously or subconsciously, our minds are tuned to calculating gains or goal fulfilment when we do good deeds. So, being kind and performing acts of kindness is a mindful, purposeful act for many of us.??

A kinder world is achievable, but it requires a practical and mindful approach to kindness. We believe this journey starts with small, deliberate acts – micro-kindness.

Here are a few examples:?

In public places…

  • Smile at a stranger…you never know how much of a difference it makes.?
  • Leave a positive note on a park bench/ bus seat for the next person to find.?
  • Compliment a stranger…it really makes a difference to their self-esteem.?
  • Hold a door open
  • Help an elderly person carry their stuff.?
  • Smile and spend a few moments appreciating people who serve you, be it the waiter/ waitress, service person, janitor, city sanitation staff, and so on.?
  • Pick up and dispose trash as you walk.?
  • Return an abandoned shopping basket/ cart to the shop.?

In your office…

  • Acknowledge your colleagues' efforts and hard work.?
  • Offer help even when you see a teammate struggling, even outside of work.
  • Celebrate wins, especially the small ones.?
  • Practice active listening in work meetings and in day-to-day conversations.?
  • Send quick, happy notes to brighten up someone’s day.?

Make microdonations…

  • Donate a small sum of money, even as little as Rs. 500 or $10 to a cause that resonates with you.?
  • Spend few hours a week/ month/ year at a charity/ nonprofit.
  • Offer career advice, mentorship, or other professional help through nonprofits.?
  • Share your knowledge and expertise to others through podcasts, event speaking, and more.?
  • Simply share online fundraising campaigns or other requests for help to amplify their reach.?
  • Raise awareness on causes that matter to you even at your family level.?

Kindness Matters More Than Outcomes

We would like to conclude with the same Mother Theresa quote that we started with, “I would rather you make mistakes in kindness and compassion rather than work miracles in unkindness and hardness". This quote emphasizes that intentions behind our actions matter more than the immediate outcomes.?

Reinforcing the importance of consistent compassion, the quote tells us that any success built on the foundation of cruelty, indifference, and misery is unsustainable and not worth the cost. Our small acts of kindness may not have an immediate or dramatic impact, but the effort is valuable by itself, and it definitely pays forward.?

Now to the challenge: We challenge you to take on the micro-kindness challenge, performing small acts of kindness for a week deliberately. Reflect on these acts and share your experience with us after a week or two. Let us know if and how these small acts of kindness made a difference in your life and the lives of those around you.

Are you ready to make the world kinder? With TALGiving, performing micro acts of kindness and making micro donations in cash & beyond are super simple.

Visit https://talgiving.org/ right away to start sprinkling some magic in the world!


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