Dare To Dream
As my head hits
The pillow away
I do go
To a far away place
There is eternal glow!
But, chaos as well
violence all around us
It's impossible to dream
As the saying goes
" We have miles to
Go before we sleep"
(Robert Frost)
Humanity is swimming in
A putrid eddy of hatred racism
Violence where humanity
Has become a human abbatoir?
Where innocent men women children?
Are regularly sacrificed?
Cause being innocent is their
Only crime
Humans have been endowed?
With the Power of Reasoning?
Wherein they can weigh?
Their options?
Whereas to educate & eradicate hatred?
Violence or continue on the path?
Chaos Destruction and annihilation?
At this moment?
We are like? "2 cats of Kilkenny?
Each? thought there?
There were too many
So they fought and they fit
And they scratched and they bit
Till excepting their nails
And the tip of their tails
Instead of 2 cats there
Weren't any" (Anonymous)
So, the Choice is ours to make
We can travel the Path of Hope
Love Peace as well prosperity
And live as a Happy Humanity?
Or we? travel Path of Chaos
Choicest Blessings?
Aug 25th 2024