Dare 2 Be Just a Little Braver Today
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Dare 2 Be Just a Little Braver Today

I dared 2 be a little braver today.

Is that all it takes to change things, just being a little braver? Is it a catalytic step?? Time will tell.

But first, have you ever been to a Korean spa?? You surrender your soul and body at the door to a woman in black lingerie who scrubs every piece of skin she can off your body then pounds you into submission followed by a sweet cucumber cold facial and washes your hair for you. The ultimate sadomasochistic relationship. But you leave with your skin baby smooth!!

I wasn’t having a good day. In terms of the 4 agreements, I was out of alignment in 3 of them.

1. I was making assumptions about a situation I didn’t have enough data on and can’t get

2. I was taking it personally

3. I was not being impeccable with my word as I was being mean to myself.

So I thought, get scrubbed senseless, that will help you get out of your head. ( and while I write this my back is burning from where she took off, JUST a little too much skin)

I have been to the Korean Spa many times. 30 minutes before your treatment you should be in the soaking pools to soften your skin for easier removal.

Yes I did just say, soften your skin for easier removal.

Every time I am at the spa I tried to get in the cold jacuzzi. There are 3 steps and the bottom and I have only made it to the bottom on the tippy tips of the tiptoes in a way that would put a prima ballerina to shame.

Today was going to be the day.

I rebranded my company Dare 2 Be Coaching and dang it, I am going to live in a way to inspire my clients! I am getting in the cold jacuzzi.

For those that don’t know, I was a competitive swimmer.

What you may not know is I hated the act of getting in the water. IT WAS COLD! One of my coaches used to be able to side arm a kick board across the length of the pool at my legs to get me in the water.

In my defense, I was usually that last one out. Once I was in, you weren’t getting me out.

I digress, back to the spa

Today I am doing it.

I get to the third step. WOW IT’S COLD!!

Stay there a minute and then do my best ballet pointe on the bottom as someone needed to get up the ladder. The water is just below my belly button, not even half-way yet

Next, here it comes, the big one. I am going to flatten my feet. Well not yet, maybe in a couple minutes. But eventually I did it. So proud of myself and now the water is above my belly button, just below rib cage.

Then I put my arms in the water and it felt like ice. Not sure at this point if I am going to make it further.

I stand there for about 4 minutes and then decide I am going to dunk to my neck then quickly exit. I ponder the world’s problems for a bit then count in my head 1 2 3 and I froze or maybe I was just frozen. Internal pep talk starts now....

One more try 1 2 3 DUNK and run.


I can do anything!!

Life is good!

Go back to soaking in my nice warm jacuzzi, basking in the glow of my victory and decided it wasn’t enough.

I was going to do it again!!

This time right away.

I needed to not only do it, but I need to own it, to CONQUER IT!

I got this!

It is almost my time to be called, no time to dawdle.

I walk up, head held high and step in and stop on the third step and almost pause, then remember this is not the old Alison, this the new and approved braver Alison.

Took the step to the bottom, on my toes and within 2 seconds I flatten my toes, dunk by body and get out.

Total time most likely 7 seconds down from 6+ minutes!

I can do anything!!

Try to improve your times that much Michael Phelps! HA!

This got me thinking:

Maybe in life we don’t need to do the grand events like jump out of a plane, climb Everest to become brave.

We don't need to stand on the table to get our point heard at work or ask out that person you have been admiring.

Maybe we just need to raise our hand to be heard or just say hello??

Maybe we need to be just a little braver today than we were yesterday and take it from there!

If there is someone you would like to Dare 2 Be a little braver?.



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