Dante's Inferno animated film

This film was originally procedure in 2010 with an hour twenty-eight minutes run time. I am not sure if it was to promote the the Dante's Inferno which was a video game that played similar to the God of War franchise. Now this film did have a half-decent voice cast Graham Mctavish (Dante),Peter Jessup(Virgil),Vanessa Branch(Beatrice) Kelvin Micheal Richardson(King Minos), Mark Hamill(Alghiero) and Steve Blum as Lucifer. To watch this film it can use sites such as Tubi,Amazon Prime for free,YouTube,Goggle Play for $1.99 or Apple TV. Or if people want to buy this film for some reason six to thirteen for a physical copy and this is Blu-ray or DVD.

Now this film is very loosely based off of the Medieval literature of the Divine Comedy/The Inferno written by Dante Alighieri. In both versions Dante does lose his love of his life Beatrice. While in the original poems Dante gets lost runs across Virgil an ancient Roman poet who becomes Dante's guide to view each circle of Hell.Where Dante recognized people from the living world suffering in each circle of Hell. While the film is based off a video game. Most gamers don't like a video game of pure dialogue, so it Dante killing any of Lucifer in each circle of Hell to save Beatrice from Lucifer.

This film had a lot of issues for one probably did not really have a good Demography that would be interested in it. For one Dante's Inferno wasn't a popular video game title when the animated film was produced. The people who read Divine Comedy/The Inferno be wondering why Dante is on a killing spree instead of traveling with Virgil viewing each circle of Hell.Not sure way but also the animated could not stick to one animator. It had nine different animators studios with very different styles. This probably kill a lot of viewers attention for film too. With these issues it just best to avoid this film entirely even with the half decent voice cast it just a really bad film.


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