Danny Odato is Revolutionizing the Pizza Industry
Danny Odato is revolutionizing the Pizza Industry
My name is Danny Odato, am 65 years old, I came in the USA from a very small town with less than 1,000 peoples, near Salerno Italy in 1975, and ever since I have been in the Pizza Restaurant Business my whole life.
I have owned many Pizza places and Restaurants all over the place, in the New York area, from Manhattan to Queens Brooklyn, Bronx etc. etc .etc.
I don’t have any Master in anything, in fact I apology if my writing need improvement grammatically and punctuation, but I have the best and deeper experience and creativity in the Pizza/restaurant and food industry in general, in fact I call myself a Food Fanatic, ever since especially the USA has been manipulating the genetics of fruits and vegetables, making us to confirm in America Economy is more important than peoples.
In 2009 I had a major accident that left me confined for over 10 years, but nothing has killed my passion and devotion to always improve and create new method of pizza making, now stronger than ever am ready to go back into the industry as my passion combined with being Fanatic for Food in general, is second to none.
I wouldn’t even consider to look for a job, first because I don’t need a job, but mainly because there is nobody in this whole world with more creativity than me when comes to create a new concept of making pizza, who will understand my concept, only a top leader will find my creativity to be revolutionizing, and although am not rich, but my passion alone is my stock in trade, It is really hard if not impossible to find a more passionate, fanatic, creative and experienced person than me in the pizza business, anywhere in the world.
With this being said, I will continue to explain the major reason why am writing this article.
I can basically revolutionize the Pizza Industry, I have the best and only method and concept to beat any competition, I have the creativity needed to invent a new generation of Pizza.
I make the Pizza in every shape……Oval, heart shape, hexagon, star shape, Triangle shape, and many more, while this someone’s think is not enough, about making the pizza , multi colors, or any color anyone’s fantasy can think ? About offering from the rarest topping anyone’s ever heard, just to mention few …..Lobster sauce and pulp, crabmeat sauce and pulp, shrimp sauce and pulp, mascarpone cheese, gorgonzola cheese, Salmon carpaccio, roast beef, short ribs, duck at l’orange and on and on and on………
I have a way to attract numerous potential Pizza Franchise buyers by showing a remarkable profit after all the expenses are paid out, always delivering top quality product.
We all know today’s franchisees, are risking they lifetime savings, because most of the franchisers if not all, have no capability nor creativity to invent new ways of expanding the profit, offering a better products, offering better quality products, many franchisers are using tofu instead of mozzarella, thinking to shrink the cost, this is the most bazaar idea anyone’s ever heard, Unfortunately because this lock of innovation, many franchisees are facing huge financial problem, within 2 to 3 years for lock of revenue, lock of creativity, lock of invent new way to make better and more profitable products, without touching but rather increasing the quality.
Unfortunately we all know the failure of the Franchise this days is the fruit of the new generation of leaders, who perhaps have not enough creativity, no experience to invent any new method of the Pizza making, absolutely no clue on how to beat the competition, putting a risk the whole industry of Pizza Franchise, throughout the world, but more than anything else putting at risk the hardly earned savings of each franchisees.
The Internet has published over and over the 13 worst Pizza Franchise in the world, something that didn’t caught me by surprise at all and I can name numerous reasons if necessary!
The reason of this letter is to ask everyone in the food industry, to join me to revolutionize the pizza industry, in fact am working on creating a membership, which will combined investors and franchisees, we planning to have meetings regularly, in order to educate, share, enforce better ways of producing and offering a much better pizza than previous generations.
In order to have better pizza, we need to go back in time, by producing 75% of the ingredients on site, in this way we will be lowering our food cost by more than 50% while offering a much higher quality product.
In order to attract more and more potential franchisees, we need to let them make way more than 100% profit to offset the daily expenses, in fact today making 100% profit on a pizza is not longer enough, not with the rents and other expenses we have today, not to mention $12 per hour minimum wage? but in order to be money attractive to any potential franchisee, we need to show to them a profit no less 300% and 400% , if not more, but more over the new generation of Pizza needs to be put on a higher scale of the food industry and redeem the Pizza image from the fatty food category, to healthy food category, but yet keep it simple in a way to be affordable by everyone including the third world country, and yet using the highest quality ingredients possible.
Lots peoples in any industry will think this is literally impossible to use the best ingredients and still be able to make 300% to 400% percent profit, well not for us, in fact I can proof it, not only we will be able to make the profit above stated, but we will literally have invented a new way to add profitability on any Pizza Slice or pie.
I have all this Ingredients to revolutionize and change the Pizza Industry once for all, and there is no better time than now to improve and to add profitability on every ends.
Am stating clearly one more time, am looking to revolutionize the pizza industry, and the best part of my idea is, we don’t need huge capital to invest not at all, my ideas are food cost friendly, eyes catching, huge profit maker and most of all is the Competition Killer, which we know very well this are the perfect recipe to succeed in today’s market.
If anyone agrees with my above mentioned statements, and you would love your Franchise to be the world’s leader in the Pizza Industry, then you need to make the first move by contacting us and discuss every details face to face.
I like to hope I haven’t offended anyone with my straight forward statements, rather, I would like to hope anyone who reads this article will take it as serious as possible and as the biggest New Year Gift of all the time, because together we can revolutionize the Pizza Industry worldwide and make huge profit all around.
Contact us anytime at: [email protected]